Warehouse C
Escaping Human Folly
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The Time Travel Paradox


By James Donahue


The concept of time travel or time definition has been a key ingredient behind this writer’s research and for good reason. There seems to be an important link between the present moment and the ancient past.


As expressed in past articles, because of the many archaeological anomalies, we have had a sense that the human race has been down this road before. It occurred to us that, as happens with all fictional time travel stories, a peculiar paradox is found within this link.


Suppose, for example, that a small band of travelers have been moving backward and perhaps even forward through time. And we have done it not once, but numerous times. Rather than choosing time travel for scientific research, or military, monetary or political manipulation as one might suppose, it was done to escape our own self-destruction.


As proof of such travels we seem to have been leaving our own footprints in the rocks. They are the odd things like steel nails, cut pieces of jewelry, a spark plug found by miners so deep in the Earth these items had to have been left there at a time long forgotten by contemporary civilizations. We even have found evidence in the sand that atomic bombs were used at some early time.


Follow me as I attempt to explain this strange web of complex thinking, not only through time but perhaps even through dimensions of reality.


Our story should probably begin at a time before the great flood. The best surviving records of that period are found in the Epic of Gilgamesh and the Book of Genesis. Both suggest alien visitation and some kind of DNA manipulation of the humanoid primates that existed on Earth.


Genesis, Chapter Six, reveals that the “sons of God saw the daughters of man that they were fair; and they took them wives of all whom they chose.” The story continues: “There were giants in the earth in those days. When the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bore children to them, the same became mighty men who were of old, men of renown. And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.”


Remember that this story came from the angelic inspired Bible and carries a slant of condemnation of the human race by a vengeful external god. It is a continuation of the story of the corrupted seed and that all men are born into sin. Thus it was God that decided to send a flood and destroy all living things on the planet.


But along came Noah, who was given instructions for carrying a remnant out of harm’s way. Suppose the Bible account offers a perverted story of what really happened. Rather than building a ship that floated on top of a water-covered planet, Noah brought a remnant of humanity into a time machine? Suppose that he carried an estimated 150,000 individuals through time. Some calculate that it would have taken that many people to re-establish the genetic diversity necessary to successfully carry on the species.


How did Noah acquire a time machine at that critical moment in history? He either discovered, or already knew of a way to summon help from an alien race that brought us here in the first place. If this is what really happened, we might think that at a critical moment Noah and his followers were picked up by an alien ship and carried through time.


Because the Earth was young, the most logical time travel at that time was into the future. The so-called giants on the earth were not quite as wicked as today’s environmental criminals. They did not destroy the planet’s ecology so the planet was capable of repairing itself.


Yet another interesting piece of our historic puzzle can be found in the story of Abraham’s decision to leave his home in the ancient Mesopotamian City of Ur and his adventures that led to the destruction of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.


The seventh card in the Crowley Tarot deck, the Chariot, depicts four Sphinxes drawing a vehicle on two large wheels. The four beasts appear as a bull, a lion, an eagle and a man. The charioteer is dressed in a heavy protective covering that appears to be iron. He holds in his arms the Holy Grail. From the center of the grail shines radiant blood, symbolizing the presence of Light in Darkness.

All of these symbols offer significant esoteric messages. Among the most important for purposes of this article: The charioteer depicts Abram (later Abraham) leaving Ur. The Holy Grail in his hand is the destructive power over the atoms. In short, it is an atomic bomb. Its light is so intense it is blinding. The radioactive material in his hands is so deadly, Abram is wearing protective armor.


Thus we have understanding when we later read, in Genesis 19, the story of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. The story claims that God sent fire and brimstone down from heaven. But it also tells how Abraham “looked toward Sodom and Gomorrah, and toward all the land of the plain, and beheld, and, lo, the smoke of the country went up as the smoke of a furnace.”


He was describing the detonation of an atomic bomb. The blast destroyed two cities and “all the land of the plain.”


So if Abraham possessed an atomic bomb, where did that knowledge come from? Is it possible that it came from the future?


Consider yet another ancient story. This one, from India, is The Mahabharate, a myth about a great war between the Vrishnis and the Salva. The Salva flew through the sky in chariots that carried them anywhere at will. They emerge from a flying city called the Saubha. The Vrishnis, lead by a hero named Krishna, defend themselves with “swift-striking shafts” that flash through the sky and destroy the invading chariots.


This appears to be a glimpse at contemporary warfare, with guided missiles or perhaps lasers shooting aircraft from the sky. Not only that, but the battle ends when a great explosion destroys three Vrishnis cities and their neighbors, the Andhakas, killing everyone and leaving no building standing. A description of the blast sounds like a nuclear bomb:


“An incandescent column of smoke and fire, as brilliant as ten thousand suns, rose in all its splendor. It was the unknown weapon, the iron thunderbolt, a gigantic messenger of death which reduced to ashes the entire race of the Vrishnis and Andhakas. The corpses were so burnt they were no longer recognizable. Hair and nails fell out. Pottery broke without cause. Foodstuffs were poisoned.” Donahue believes


Is this another account of the Biblical story of the destruction of Sodom a description of a future war, one that has not yet been fought on this planet. Suppose that a future number of survivors of that war will travel back in time and carry the story with them as a warning.


Because of the aging of the Earth and our solar system, and the ecological damage caused by careless human overpopulating, anybody escaping the looming death of Planet Earth must now travel into the past. They are prohibited to move, like Noah, forward to a revived green earth. Because we have destroyed our ecological system, and consequently destroyed our home in the Universe, we have no other options.


The paradox then is this. If we are living now, just prior to the end of the life of our planet, it is possible that some of the ones reading this report will be among the survivors that travel, perhaps via alien ships, back in time? We have evidence on this planet that at least a few of us may have been successful and got there.


Science fiction writers should be intrigued by this idea. Anybody that reads stories, or watches movies about time travel, knows that tinkering with the past has the effect of altering the future.


The question, then, is why are we still in this pickle? If we find evidence in the rocks that we went back in time, armed with the knowledge of what we did wrong, why is it still going wrong? Are we so flawed that we cannot fix our dilemma? Or are we making the trip over and over again until we get it right?


Perhaps we are living a concept of the Christian hell. Or maybe it is the Catholic doctrine of purgatory, where we keep trying until we get it right.