Kucinich Drops Out Of
The Race – Big Business Interests Won
By James Donahue
Decisions by big business-owned
television media to block Democratic Presidential Candidate Dennis Kucinich from participating in public debates, and the
media’s skilled maneuvering that kept Kucinich always in the shadows under the two candidates that probably can’t
win . . . Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama . . took their toll Thursday.
Kucinich announced his
decision to withdraw from the presidential race and focus instead on winning re-election this fall to his Ohio
based congressional seat.
Under the circumstances,
we believe this is excellent strategy for Mr. Kucinich, since his effectiveness as a congressman would be sorely missed if
he lost that post as well.
We must express our extreme
disappointment at this time, however, that the media moguls got their way and effectively destroyed the candidacy of a man
who appeared to be the best hope for America
at this dark moment in our nation’s history. If there is anyone who offered a solution for resolving the problems created
by the fools that have occupied the White House and Capital Hill for the past seven years, it was Kucinich.
Kucinich was the only
Democratic candidate still running who said he would shut down the Iraq
war. The others have remained wishy-washy about this issue.
He wanted to fix the
failed education system in America, to
heal the looming Social Security crisis and offer a true socialized medical program for all Americans, not just a select few.
We know of no other candidate, either Democrat or Republican, who offered to seek these kinds of measures once gaining the
high office.
We especially liked Kucinich’s
solution for healing the badly damaged American foreign policy as well. Instead of threatening to bomb anyone who disagrees
with us, Dennis said he favored open dialogue. He appeared to mean that he would have been willing to do something that President
Bush has refused to do since day one. He would sit down with foreign leaders, whether friend or foe, and talk to them directly
across the table.
That was a refreshing
proposal, one that we have always found to be very effective when dealing with neighborhood conflicts. We believe it would
work very well on a national and international scale as well.
We may rue the day that
Dennis Kucinich was driven from this important presidential race by the boys who want to run the country in the name of big
profits at the expense of the masses.
The others . . . even
John Edwards, who appears to be the next best alternative now that Kucinich is out of the picture . . . seem to be already
sold out to special interests.