Undiscovered Elements,
Minerals, Exist In Our Universe
By James Donahue
The recent discovery
of hapkeite, a new mineral made from iron and silicon dug out of a meteorite, supports the strange predictions of a Scottish
gentleman I came in contact with some years back.
This man, obviously possessed
by demonic or angelic energies, was such an enigma I spent several evenings at his home, sharing thoughts and hearing what
he had to say.
He was an illiterate
mechanic with only an eighth grade education, yet he suddenly had his head filled with information that he could not explain.
He said he was directed by an entity to write a book about all of the knowledge that was pouring into his head and turned
to me to help him put it all into words.
The problem was that
the information the man had lacked consistency. It was just raw data and lots of it. He wrote down numeric charts that he
said were keys to the music of the angels, names of constellations and stars not yet seen, and the names of elements not yet
recognized by science.
It later became obvious
that the man was possessed by the Goetia Spirit Dantalion, the demon of heads. Dantalion portrays himself as an entity with
many heads that speaks through one mouth. He can take over a person’s mind, fill them with information, and predicts
the future.
That the man would predict
the existence of new and undiscovered elements was not something that I found impossible to believe. After all, scientists
have been identifying new elements on our own planet over a process of many years.
For example, element
number 111, roentgenium (Rg) was only officially named by German scientists earlier this year (2004). At least one other element,
ununbium, was discovered in 1976.
Twelve other elements,
the heavy metals dubnium, seaborgium, bohrium, meitnerium, ununnilium, unununium and ununbium, and the rare earths lawrencium,
nobelium, mendelevium, fermium, einsteinium and californium were all found since 1950.
When I studied chemistry
in high school there were but 96 known elements in the world. Today there are 111.
That new and exciting
elements might be discovered on other worlds also is to be considered. That this new mineral would be found within pieces
of a meteorite that crashed to earth in Oman, on the Saudi peninsula, only confirms the amazing mysteries
that lie in space.
The mineral bears the
name of Professor Bruce Hapke, of the University of Pittsburgh, who predicted the process that forms this mineral about 30 years ago. Hapke
said the mineral theoretically existed even though it was never found.
He was proven right.