Martin Luther King Day, RV and Hate Sites
by Cassandra Frost
I was just reminded that Monday, January 19 is Dr. Martin Luther King Day in an email that I received
from entitled 'How to Keep the Dream Alive.' Dr. King's day is to remind us about his contributions to the Civil
Rights movement; about the horrors of hatred, racism and prejudice; and to celebrate our diversity, keeping in mind that we
are one people on one earth.
In 1963, Time magazine named him 'Man of the Year.' In 1964, he was the youngest laureate awarded
the Nobel Prize for, among other things, advocating peaceful protest to address the segregation and discrimination that permeated
things like hiring practices, housing policies, and bus seating as well as forced people of different races to drink from
separate water fountains and eat separately in restaurants.
On April 4, 1968, King's life was ended by an assassin's bullet on a balcony of the Lorraine
Hotel, as he tried to help raise issues during the Memphis sanitation workers' strike. Today, the Lorraine Hotel is the site
of the National Civil Rights Museum.
I was raised color blind in Seattle, Washington, growing up in the 60s. We had black babysitters
and family friends from Sweden, Pakistan and China; from all over the world.
When I was about 8, I asked Mom about the cover of a Life magazine that showed a group of black
people being hosed or attacked. As she explained the concept of apartheid, I began to cry, not understanding how people could
be so mean and hateful, just because of their skin color.
Mom was particularly sensitive to racial hatred. She was born raised in Alaska, a half-breed Athabascan
Indian and experienced racial hatred and discrimination first hand. She was Valedictorian of her high school graduating class
and because she was a half-breed, she was forbidden from addressing the class as the top scholar. As a result of Mom's shame,
she tried to protect me from knowing that I am part Athabascan by not telling me about my heritage until I was 18 when she
enrolled me in the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act.
I grew up knowing I was different, but not knowing why. I 'knew things,' loved the outdoors and
had a special way with animals. Mom would take me into the mountains so she could fish in the icy rivers of the Cascade Mountains
and I'd just take off, exploring, from when I was about 10 years old. I'd hike, looking for animal tracks, for hours, never
getting lost or scared. Sometimes I'd fish too, but I really loved just discovering animal trails and seeing where they led.
I also grew up with this thing for wolves, not aware of things like animal spirits or totems.
Once when I took our youngest daughter, Rachel, to Wolf Haven in Washington State, we lagged in
back of the tour because I wanted to stand there and talk with the big male wolf who was standing in front of us. After a
bit, his shy mate emerged from the back of the pen and they both approached the chain link fence, looking at me, and began
to lean hard against the fence, so their fur poked through it.
Intuitively, I crouched down and began scratching their fur through the fence, telling them what
pretty wolfys they were. After a bit, the tour guide realized we weren't with the group and when she came to find us, she
was shocked to see me there, talking baby talk to these two huge wolves, scratching their fur through the fence. She said
the wolves had never done that for anyone, including the staff or volunteers. I kind of got in trouble and hoped that she'd
understand when I told her that they just wanted to have their fur scratched.
We even went so far as to get a wolf hybrid, a huge sweety girl named Sasha. She was a big baby,
thought she was a lap-wolf and when Keith, my huzby, was away standing watch on his Navy ship, she would leap right up in
bed, sleeping with me.
Snuggly and sweet or not, she was part wolf and therefore possibly wild and unpredictable, so we
took her to obedience class, just to make sure she knew that I was the alpha and could control her if necessary.
At the time, Keith had a funny, spazzy, orange kitty, named Apollo. When Sasha and I were working
in our front yard, Apollo would skitter and pounce along, just out of the corner of our eyes, trying to get Sasha to chase
him. Sasha was a good girl and never did break from her exercises, but years later, we had a knock at the door from a neighbor
who'd seen Apollo teasing some big dogs. She said that she watched as the dogs pulled him apart and took off with his body
parts into the bushes.
At least he died doing what he loved.
Back to wolves.
I dont regard wolf as a primary animal spirit in my life, but rather feel that I am part wolf, as
evidenced by my heightened senses of hearing and smelling as well as my 'gold wolfy eyes' that glow at certain times. My animal
spirits do include badger, beaver and wolverine.
In my Welcome Message, I also describe myself as an intuitive journalist and how some of my articles
seem to be guided by synchronicity, including my investigation into the Bay Research Institute DBA International Remote Viewing
Associations (BRI dba IRVA) nonprofit status.
Back to the Martin Luther King Day email from The email's sidebar includes links
to topics like 'Track US Hate Groups' and 'Learn the Truth About Hate Sites.'
'According to the Hate Crime Statistics Act, a hate crime is a criminal act in which a victim is
selected because of the perpetrator's prejudice against the victim's race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation
and/or disability. When bias motivates an unlawful act, it is considered a hate crime.
Why is hate crime reporting important?
Hate crime reporting is a national imperative because hate crimes strike at the heart of our national
Whenever someone is victimized on the basis of characteristics like race, religion, ethnicity, sexual
orientation, or disability, our shared belief in equality and the inherent dignity of every individual is itself threatened.
Hate crimes have a unique potential to terrorize entire communities that share the characteristics
that made the victims targets. When hate crimes are ignored, hate crime victims and their communities often feel isolated
and marginalized.
When citizens know law enforcement officials take hate crimes seriously, they are more likely to
report them and less likely to feel threatened when hate crimes occur. Dangerous incidents are less likely to spiral out of
Unless hate crimes are identified and reported, we will not be able to understand the true nature
and scope of the hate crime problem and to devise strategies to counter it. When we make hate crime reporting a priority,
we send a powerful message that we will not tolerate assaults on the very fabric of our society.
Believe it or not, a remote viewing hate site exists online, that targets not only myself
but Prudence Calabrese. Earlier versions of the hate site disclosed Calabrese's home address with instructions for groups
of nine men to visit her to watch her perform sexual acts.
One of the articles I wrote in relation to BRI dba IRVA, 'Intentional Endangerment' which can be
found at:
described about how the group's vice president intentionally released some of my personal information
online the day after my first article was published in early March, 2003, and how the group's webmaster posted the same information
to other online groups.
The article stated:
'The consequences of the misuse of personal information, according to the Federal Trade Commission's
Chairman, Timothy Muris, include first, risks to physical security, as women may not want their address known for fear of
'Second, is the risk of economic injury. No other practice so vividly captures the fears many consumers
have about their privacy. It strikes randomly, leaving lives in shambles.
'Consumers' third concern is with practices that are unwanted intrusions in our daily lives.'
Chairman Muris words were indeed prophetic.
Thanks to BRI dba IRVA's vice president and webmaster, the hate site's anonymous authors further
broadcast this same personal information, asking for people to find my home in an attempt to financially harm me.
Additionally, the hate site includes a series of 'cartoons' that call me a liar, a defamation artist
because of my investigation into BRI dba IRVA's nonprofit status, uses my image as a target of death and violence and ridicules
and insults my intuition, which I consider a gift of the Great Spirit.
As has recommended, the matter has been reported to the local FBI Cyber Crime Unit
who is currently investigating the hate site and those possibly involved.
So, it seems that hatred, racism and violence are the modus operandi for those in the remote viewing
field wanting to silence those who ask questions or those who challenge the status quo.
On this Martin Luther King day, let us hope for a change of heart in those who would spend their
time and energy in such ugly, destructive ways so that they might, instead, abandon their hypocrisy, hatred, and racism for
the words of spirit that can be found posted on both their personal and professional websites.