Bad News; There Seems To Be
Unlimited Supply Of Crude Oil
Some years back as a young man I spent time working on a paraffin cleaning machine for an oil well
service company.
It was hard, dangerous and dirty work, but there was a strange camaraderie among the people who
worked in the oil fields so it consequently was an enjoyable time in my life. And I learned a lot about oil wells . . . about
how this substance is found and about how it is brought from the ground. I lived under a fine mist of crude for so long, I
couldn't wear a white shirt for years afterward. Crude oil would leach from my skin into the fabric.
In those days we all thought oil was found in subterranean pools, much like underground water aquifers.
Once a pool of oil was found, the trick was to find out just how large the pool was. Wildcatters would drill a number of wells
in all directions until they hit "dry holes." The active wells then were used to pump or draw the underground lake of crude
oil dry.
The area in which the active oil wells were located was called an oil field. If the field turned
out to be a rich one, the wells might continue producing oil for years before "tapping out." Most fields also were filled
with natural gas, usually causing enough underground pressure to push the well up through the well to the surface. The appearance
of pumps was a sign that the oil field was reaching the end of its productivity and the oil was no longer coming to the surface
on its own.
When an oil well is flowing, the crude comes out of the ground hot. There is a buildup of a substance
called paraffin along the cooler steel pipe that has to be scraped away on a regular basis or the pipe eventually plugs. That
was the job I had . . .opening high-pressure well heads and dropping heavy weights with steel brushes through the pipe to
scrape away the paraffin. I got to be very good at that job, and knew the idiosyncrasy of each well in the field almost on
a personal basis.
Oil wells were drilled just about anyplace. Some were in people's back yards. Others in farm fields.
Others were drilled deep in a wood. I recall one in the middle of a pond. In the winter we froze, and spent a lot of our time
huddled around barrels of burning crude oil for warmth. In the summer we worked in the hot sun, our oil coated skin getting
brown as berries. We usually were surrounded by mosquitoes and biting flies.
In those days I didn't think of crude oil as being bad for the country. It was a substance used
to produce the fuel that powered the car I drove, the machines we used on the job, the aircraft that flew over us. It powered
the machines of war and the machines of industry. I thought it was exciting to be working on a job the produced such a vital
product for the continued operation of my country. That a lot of people were getting very rich on the oil we produced was
just a lucky side effect.
I didn't realize until later in life that there had been a choice. That we took a wrong turn, building
machines and vehicles that burned fossil and air polluting fuels was the choice made by greedy industrialists who knew better.
They could just as easily have developed engines that burned hydrogen and helium, but these abundant gasses were so readily
available they would have been almost impossible to control. Without control, there was no money to be made. Thus they chose
coal and oil as the fuels of industry and transportation.
Since then we have been duped into believing that: (a.) oil, natural gas and coal are the only fuels
we have, (b.) in order for the U. S. to remain strong we must control the world's major supplies of oil, and (c.) there is
a limited supply of fuel so the companies that provide it can charge very high prices. This conspiracy has been going on for
a very long time.
The Germans were successfully experimenting with hydrogen dirigibles powered by hydrogen burning
engines. It is my belief that the terrible 1937 fire that destroyed the Hindenburg at Lakehurst, New York, was a deliberate sabotage. The media stories that followed the disaster were very effective. The
German zeppelins were suddenly considered dangerous. Hydrogen was never used to either lift a dirigible or power an engine
for a long time.
It has only been in recent years that experimentation with hydrogen powered cars has been started, but there has not been much support. Yet hydrogen burning engines exist and they have been
shown to be extremely clean burners that do not pollute the air.
I knew a man who once developed a carburetor that ran his vehicle on methane gas during World War
II when gasoline was rationed.
I remember the gas crisis of the mid-1970's when America lost gasoline as a cheap fuel for cars,
trucks, farm tractors and aircraft. There was some kind of shortage created by a newly formed Middle East oil cartel and gasoline
prices in the United States shot from 24 cents a gallon to something like $1.50. Cars were lined up for blocks at the pumps
of the few gasoline stations that had gas to sell. President Gerald Ford ordered the national speed limit reduced to 55 miles
per hour to conserve fuel.
It was all a lie.
Now we have very expensive cars filled with a lot of complicated automobile emission equipment,
designed to make them stop polluting the air. They also have catalytic converters that make the exhaust from our cars smell
like rotten eggs. We are using lightweight aluminum and plastic to make our vehicles so they are more "fuel efficient." But
still our air gets dirtier and dirtier. People choke on the fumes from the millions of cars and thousands of carbon burning
factories belching toxic waste into our air.
All lies.
I believe America's so-called "War on Terrorism" is a front for gaining control of massive oil supplies
not only in the Middle East, but in Southeastern Russia, near the Afghanistan border. This is the real reason the Bush Administration
wants to attack Iraq.
The U. S. Geological Survey has warned that the world only has about 10 years of oil left in the
ground. If that isn't cause for a world war, I don't know what is.
Except that this statement also appears to be a lie.
Whitley Strieber, on June 4, revealed in a story on his web site that geologists have reported that
the old supposedly dried up oil wells we thought were relics of the past, have mysteriously filled back up with oil. The stuff seems to be seeping into the caverns we pumped dry. And it is coming from deep in the Earth.
This phenomenon is happening with old oil fields all over the world. Some geologists now believe
there may be an almost unlimited supply of oil in the ground. And it can be found anywhere.
"This brings up questions about what oil and natural gas are made of," Strieber wrote. "Its always
been thought this is they are the remains of long-dead plants and animals from dinosaur days. But if oil exists deep inside
the Earth, this cant be true, since life exists only on the surface of the Earth."
Strieber said Thomas Gold of Cornell "believes oil and gas are the remains of methane left over
from the Earth's origin. Methane is one of the most common minerals in the universe. If this is true, well be able to find
oil and gas everywhere, if we dig down deep enough."
For some, this might seem like good news. I think, however, that it is terrible news. It means that
even if the greedy oil barons can be exposed as the money grabbing frauds they are, we probably will never have cheaper fuel.
And it also means that the quest for alternative environmental friendly fuels will be abandoned
once again, at a time when we are already choking on the foul air that will eventually kill us all.