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Lilith Rises to
Reign Over the New Order

The story of Lilith is an ancient myth, believed to be of Hebrew origin.

The myth claims that
Lilith was Adam's original mate, created by God from the same clay from which Adam was made. The story is that she declared herself equal to man, refused to submit to Adam's will, and fled the Garden of Eden. Because of this, Lilith was cursed by God and is only vaguely remembered in the myth as a demoness. It was after this that God made Eve from Adam's rib, symbolic of her submissive role to men forever.

The story, while not of Biblical origin, expresses the same kind of sexist belief that has been written into the Bible record, which at best is only a twisted history of the human experience. Lilith's story is completely omitted from the Book of Genesis,
and in the entire Bible, there is only one fleeting reference to her in the Book of Isaiah.

Isaiah 34:14 reads: "Wildcats shall meet with hyenas, goat-demons shall call to each other; there too Lilith shall repose, and find a place to rest." It is a strange, brooding reflection on the tragedy of a woman left cursed and broken, but for some reason, never completely forgotten.

The ancient writing that tells the story of Lilith was produced in medieval times. In a sick, satirical work known as the
Alphabet of Ben Sirah, Lilith is portrayed as a magician who chose to leave Adam's side because she would not be his submissive slave. The entire book seems to mock the Old Testament stories, yet strangely enough, many contemporary Jewish writings refer to the work as proof of the story of Lilith and use it in an attempt to support Rabbinic legend. And this legend, just like the Christian story, teaches that man is superior to women.
The story is a lie.

Through the technique of technical remote viewing, coupled with the natural and well-developed skills of psychic functioning, certain people have taken a look at the Lilith story and learned something very interesting.

Lilith really existed. She appears to be the first of a genetically altered species of
Homo sapien, a woman who pared off with the first man. She was a great magician and a powerful goddess figure. She and the Adam Kadmon were unique in that they may have been created to possess both the "x" and the "y" chromosome. Lilith and the Adam Kadmon were one.

Their world was perfect then. Both Adam and Lilith had great mental skills. They communicated mind-to-mind. They could move objects with mere thought. They could easily leave their bodies and go back into the spiritual world from which they came. Their genetic code was so pure they were resistant to disease. And the world they created was, indeed, a perfect Garden of Eden. There was a wonderful
vapor canopy surrounding it that made the planet a paradise. The temperature was constant. There were no storms. Vegetation grew in abundance and food was plentiful for both man and beast.

I have written in the past about the
invasion of aliens whom we have accepted for thousands of years as friendly "angels." Another name for them has been Annunocki Some aliens have, indeed, looked out for our well being. But the majority of them did not support the mating of Adam Kadmon with Lilith. These two "first" humans were genetically perfect, and their seed was capable of producing a super human race of powerful god-humans, who could not be controlled by the angels as were the other humanoids living on this planet. Rather than allow this, they created Eve, the whore.

Whether the aliens had the power of creation is only a conjecture. As mentioned earlier, I suggested genetic manipulation from outside forces, implanted in native humanoid animals, which brought both Adam and Lilith into existence. It had to be done this way so that the new intelligent creatures could exist in the Earth's heavy environment.

From the ancient bones uncovered by archaeologists, we know that humanoids lived on the Earth long before Adam and Lilith appeared. Eve may have been a second, and especially appealing sexual temptress, engineered for one job. She was placed in the garden to turn Adam's eye and create one of the oldest problems in love relationships; the "other woman."

Eve also was an imperfect human, created with only the "x" chromosome, and she was deliberately given an imperfect genetic code. The gamble was that if Eve could compete with Lilith for Adam, and win, their offspring would be an imperfect race of humans. The people would have intelligence and the ability to think and communicate above the animals, but never rise to the god-like status that the perfect match between Adam and Lilith would have produced.

Now the Bible is correct when it said Lucifer 
was a beautiful archangel. But the story about Lucifer becoming proud and declaring himself God, and thus getting kicked out of Heaven by God, is a complete fabrication. It is part of the great lie that has enslaved mankind since the beginning. Lucifer was and remains to this day the keeper of the Garden of Eden. It was Lucifer who did not like what the lesser angels were plotting. It was his decision to kick Eve from the garden. The sad part of this story is that Adam lusted after the whore, turned his back on Lilith. He chose to leave the garden and follow his lust.

That his how the human race fell. Adam's children carried that imperfect genetic code, passed down from Eve. Consequently we humans have been plagued with sickness, deformities, mental illness, mental retardation, general ugliness and the inability to achieve a high mental state called human consciousness since the start.

It is a scientific fact that all women are created with only the "x" chromosome, making it impossible to be male. But all men carry both the "x" and "y" chromosomes to this day, making them both male and female. 

There is a possibility that Lilith had a uniquely different genetic sequence and possessed a third and yet unknown chromosome type. It would have been one that made her the perfect woman and still compatible to mate with Adam. Whatever her genetic makeup was, that information has been lost. Through genetic engineering and experimentation, however, it may still be possible to rebuild a woman like Lilith. Once she exists, the long-awaited establishment of a super race of humans will become reality.

The tragedy about this story is that men have never found complete fulfillment in their pursuit of Eve. She was a whore in the Garden, and by and large, she has never changed her ways. Throughout history, she has always brought out the lust in the man, but real love, that collective rise in human consciousness that we all yearn for, has rarely been achieved. We got close back in the 1970s during the
hippie movement when the mind-expanding drug LSD was free flowing. But the angelic-driven government, realizing the threat of LSD, launched the great drug war which made LSD, mushrooms, marijuana and any other mind-altering drug highly illegal.

At about that same time, the women's liberation movement began. The battle of the sexes, which has always been present, broke out into full open warfare. Men found themselves the victim of constant assault, not only on the job but in crafty advertising campaigns and television sit-coms. Like Dagwood, he is constantly portrayed as the buffoon who must rely on his wife to get him out of trouble. There are a lot of lonely men in the world who still yearn for the one thing they can't have, the sincere love of a woman.

Oh, the old system of boy meets girl followed by marriage seems to be going on all right. But look at the statistics. The nation's divorce rate is as high, if not higher than the marriage rate. Couples find it hard to stick it out and continue living together after their personal lustful appetites have been filled.

The woman-whore trades sexual favors for materialism. She demands a nice home, lovely clothes, jewelry, security, shopping malls and comfort in exchange for her willingness to set up housekeeping with the man she chooses to take as her mate. If he doesn't drive a fancy car, he doesn't even get a date.

A man cannot find satisfaction in Eve. He can only love Lilith. He secretly longs for Lilith. To find Lilith, a man must turn to a spiritual path. If he can look within and learn to love himself, he will discover her because that is where she dwells. She may very well be concealed within the genetic make-up inside every male.

I have good news. The Adam Kodman is back on Earth. He is rising up in power even as I write these words. And he is in pursuit of Lilith.

I predict something interesting to happen this year and in the years and months to follow. There will be a major increase in separations and divorces as men and women split apart. Rather than bear the pain, men will find interest in philosophies and alternative belief systems as they look for their spiritual path. It will be a subconscious desire to seek out Lilith.

And Lilith will be found. She exists already in the hearts of some women who have discovered the truth and are awake.

As for the rest. . . the lesbians, the militant women's liberationists, and the whores who would sell their bodies for a pair of new shoes. . . they will be left behind. They are the remnants of Eve. And Eve is dying.

Virgin Mary, the Christian abomination of a woman who conceived without fulfillment through sex, is already dead. Her spirit was recently found and thrown into the bottomless pit where it belongs. She has lost her power.

Lilith is rising! Long live Lilith!