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Aaron C. Donahue

Aaron Returns To Internet Radio March 6


By James Donahue


He may be shut out from network radio programming, but this isn’t stopping Aaron C. Donahue from being heard.


Donahue, the best psychic and remote viewer in the world, will be featured on his own weekly radio show at RadioAaron beginning Sunday, March 6. The one-hour program begins at 2 p.m. Eastern Time, and 11 a.m. Pacific Time.


All of the shows will be archived for listeners who go to Aaron’s website at and link up. Also you can get more information, link to send or call in questions, and keep updated by going to


Donahue, a proclaimed Luciferian, is expected to talk about his message that Lucifer is the progenitor of the human race, discuss the accuracy of past predictions, and make some new predictions for 2005 and beyond.


He also plans to discuss such mysteries as the real Third Secret of Fatama and our need to make Contact. Aaron will answer questions from callers.