Three Weeks Left For
Cure As Potential AIDS Pandemic Looms
By James Donahue
February 20, 2005
One week, seven days,
has passed since psychic viewer Aaron C. Donahue made his offer on Feb. 13 to help the world find a cure for the dreadful
AIDS virus.
To date, there has been
verbal support on his blog forum, we have heard from some scoffers (as expected), but nobody is stepping forward with the
necessary connections and financial support needed to make it happen.
Donahue was not kidding.
He is giving this offer just 30 days before it is withdrawn. That means there are only three weeks left.
Notice that since Aaron
made the offer, the new virile form of AIDS, which kills in months instead of years, has also been found in San Diego,
California. This means within one week this new killer breached the width of
the United States, from the Atlantic to
Pacific coasts. We may expect many more victims to appear throughout the land.
It was over a year ago
that Aaron stated during a public radio interview that he saw a new sexually transmitted disease, much like AIDS, that would
emerge. This disease would be more deadly than anything previously known. While it is yet to be proven, we believe this new
variant of AIDS may be the bug that Aaron has been seeing.
It would be tragic if
the world passes up Donahue’s offer to help bring an end to this dreaded disease.
Aaron, who has a medical
background, knows what he is talking about when he says he believes he can find a cure. His offer, which may seem unorthodox
to the world of science because it reaches into the occult for answers, may be the last chance medical science will ever have
to solve this billowing AIDS crisis.
Donahue warns that forces
are watching what happens during the next three weeks. If his offer is rejected or ignored, he says it will never be made
again. If the offer expires, the world will be judged. If the offer is accepted, a blessing awaits.
While it is true that
Aaron could privately do the work and find a solution to AIDS, he knows that without the necessary support from medical, political
and financial sources, the information would only fall on deaf ears.
Consequently Donahue,
who has proven himself the best psychic and viewer in the world, demands support before he takes on this project.
Remember that it was
Aaron Donahue who correctly predicted that George W. Bush would win a second term in office. This prediction came more than
a year before the 2004 elections, at a time when few people thought Bush would get a second term. The other known forecasters
put their bets on the Democratic candidate, even before he was known.
When he made his spring,
2004 appearance on the Art Bell
Coast to Coast radio talk show, Donahue also predicted that the world
would reach peak oil production sometime between 2004 and 2008. Since then, specialists predicted that peak oil would be reached
sometime in 2006.
Donahue told Bell that the Mars Rovers, which were then just beginning their exploration
of the Mars surface, would not find any life on the red planet. He said they would find pre-biotic chemistry, however, that
would have sparked life under the right conditions. This has since been confirmed by NASA.
Donahue correctly predicted
the chain of hurricanes that struck Florida in 2004, and
he said that global warming would be causing dynamic changes in the world’s weather. Since then, the world has been
struck with severe storms and the most erratic weather patterns in known history.
In 2003, Donahue correctly
published on his website the winning numbers in Michigan’s
three-digit lottery for six consecutive days. The record of this feat can still be found on Aaron’s site at under “data.”
Donahue has predicted
that Saddam Hussein is the mysterious “Mabas,” foretold by the ancient French psychic Nostradomus. He said Hussein
would be killed by the beast, or George W. Bush. And after this will come “a great undoing” of humans and animals.
Would this be yet another pandemic, this time the dreaded avian flu that is already jumping species as it spreads around the
At least two years ago,
Aaron predicted a third world war between the United States and China. As the world now pares off for global conflict, mostly
over the events going on in the Middle East and Taiwan, it appears that
the major players in this war could easily be China and the United States.
Donahue also warned that
the United States will lose this war,
which would eventually escalate into a nuclear exchange. We will see Chinese soldiers invading our shores. When it was over,
the United States would be no more.
Donahue astounded producers
at Fox Television when he used his remote viewing skills to find and identify a woman the network placed in a rotating, wired,
room over a tower at LA International Airport. He found this woman while television cameras were rolling. Even though he successfully
completed the test, the show was not aired by Fox. It was sold about two years later to an independent producer who later
aired the show in other network programming. The video clip can be seen by visiting Aaron’s website, also at under “media.”
Donahue also found the
missing mother of an Oregon police chief, also as a television stunt that was aired in Japan where this woman lived. He located her in Tokyo, in a country that was completely foreign to him. And he did this
while his work was being watched by millions.
Donahue is not talking
into the air when he says he can find a cure for AIDS.
But time is running out.
This is perhaps the most
important issue to ever be put before the world. Instead of a place on this website, visited by a few thousand each day, it
should be posted on the front page of such newspapers as the New York Times, the Chicago Tribune and the Washington Post.
I can assure you these
newspapers won’t touch this story because (a.) Aaron is a psychic and everybody thinks they know there is no such thing,
and (b.) Aaron believes Lucifer is the progenitor of the human race, which rattles Christian paradigms to a point where they
refuse to listen to anything more that he has to say.
It seems that Christians
would rather perish than accept help from a man who fails to march to the beat of their particular drum.