Who Was The Mystery Prophet
By James Donahue
Throughout recorded history
certain great magickians and teachers possessing supernatural wisdom have appeared among humans and succeeded in being remembered
for what they said and did.
The foolish humans made
gods out of many of these visitors, but not all of them.
Elijah, who reportedly
appeared in the heart of the known civilized world about 800 years before Christ, was one of a long line of these interesting
Elijah, who seemed to
appear magically out of nowhere, who lived without means in the desert, and when his work was finished, was picked up by a
fiery craft and taken off into the clouds, fits all of the earmarks of having been an alien visitor brought among us to fix
something that was going radically wrong.
Was he a Luciferian?
You be the judge.
Most of what we know
about Elijah is recorded in the First Book of Kings in the Old Testament of the Bible, which means that right off, we have
to be suspicious of the documentation.
As the story is told,
Elijah appeared suddenly as a major prophet who was “as a fire, and his word burnt like a torch” during the reign
of Achab, a Hebrew king that strayed from the worship of Yahveh. According to the Bible account, Achab was wrongfully influenced
by his wife, Jezabel, to erect a temple in Samaria for the worship of the powerful demon Baal, and
then began persecution of the prophets of Yahveh.
It was Elijah that spoke
out against Achab, and eventually met the king in a face-to-face contest between their gods. That the alter Elijah built was
struck by a fiery lance from the sky and consumed by flames suggests supernatural intervention, but it might well have been
a laser beam from an alien ship. Whatever it was, it was convincing to the Israelites and their king.
Thus begins a long narrative
concerning attempts by Jezabel to kill Elijah, and the prophet’s constant magickal acts, including the slaying of hired
assailants by a fire from above, and the striking of the kingdom by plague, as he constantly dodges the bullet.
In the end, Elijah is
carried off in “a fiery chariot, and fiery horses” that parted the clouds “and Elias (Elijah) went up by
a whirlwind into heaven.”
The fact that no history
is given of Elijah suggests to some Bible scholars that the prophet was a “Christ figure,” and that his story
implies a virgin birth. Also they argue that Elijah’s ascension into the sky at the end of the story also parallels
the story of Christ.
But that is the Biblical
slanted version of the Elijah story.
If there really was an
Elijah, he was a most unusual person. Not only did he appear almost magically during a time of political and spiritual need,
but he lived like a hermit in the desert, sleeping in caves of the mountains. He spoke with authority against the corruption
of his age and obviously left his mark during the brief time he was on the Earth.
That he could bring bolts
of fire from the sky on command, and was finally carried off by a fiery chariot strongly implies he was of alien origins.
The ship that took him went up with a “whirlwind.” This suggests a flying ship powered by jets or some energy
source that left a vapor trail in its wake.
Whoever Elijah was, he
left such an impact upon the people who knew him that he is almost worshipped by the Jewish people even to this day.