New Movie Plot is Surprisingly Close to the Truth
There was a lot of hype some months back about the new Hollywood film "The Omega Code," a science-fiction thriller
about some Bible scholars who discover a secret code in that ancient book that gives a formula for controlling the world.
the plot turns into a fast-paced thrill ride, where the good guys battle the elements of evil over computer disks or tapes
which contain this deadly information.
The movie appears to be a contemporary version of the old Bible prophecy about
the rise of the antichrist and his sidekicks,
the beast and the
false prophet, who
proceed to take over the world and launch the predicted seven years of tribulation. As I understand it, the villain in the story is a dark individual who wears black (like the students
who shot up Columbine High School) and uses advanced computer technology to break codes.
The creator of this movie
plot was obviously drawing information from the collective unconsciousness of the universe, because the story is so close to the truth it is a little spooky.
is, indeed, a code in the Bible. Scholars who study such things have discovered that anyone who goes back to the ancient Hebrew
or Greek text, and then sets aside certain letters in a sequence (I heard its every 10th letter in a line although various
other combinations work), and place them side by side, they spell out words in that language. The words contain names of people
and things that sometimes can be interpreted as a message.
There has been so much interest in this discovery that computer
programmers have developed software that will explore the scriptures for you, find key words and interpret them for you in
The Christian world has gleefully grabbed this information to promote its sacred book as something even more
wonderful than was originally thought. What they don't know is that they are discovering something about ourselves that we
should have been aware of for thousands of years, but forgot.
Any book in your house, even the Sunday newspaper, or
this column, contains the same "code" or secret message. We all do it. With a little experimentation you can break the code
on your own and you don't need a fancy computer game to help you.
Start by taking every third or fourth letter, and
if that doesn't work, increase it to fifth and sixth, until you start seeing complete words emerge. Once you find the right
formula, you have broken the code of that particular writer. Examine the words and you find the subconscious thought that
went on as the writer did his work.
Another way of breaking the code is by using a tape recorder that will play your
message backwards. Read the sentences aloud
into the tape recorder, then play it backwards. You will hear English words emerge from the strange sounds of backward speech.
Once you hear a word, look for the pattern of letters in the sentence that make up that word and count the number of characters
between them. That will give you the formula.
What I am saying is that the Bible is not an amazing book from God that
is filled with secret messages that can be used by the antichrist to take over the world. It is a book written by men who
did the same thing we all do?.they spoke from our subconscious mind when they talked and wrote words.
When you work
on the formula, be prepared for a shock or two. Sometimes the words you find in the "code" contradict the message from which
it comes. Taped messages of politicians, especially President Clinton, have revealed lies and deceit when played backwards.
Don't expect to find complete sentences. Just words, which joined, sometimes give you a message.
The Christians, who
wrongly believe in an external god, stake all of their hopes on a book written by men who were inspired by angels to plant
a story in the heads of anyone willing to believe it. The chief architect of this book was an archangel that presented itself as the god of the Israelites. He gave himself names like Jehovah and Elohim. He
is the same entity the Christians worship.
Ironically, this angel created the false world religions, and
gave us the story of the beast and the antichrist, who he said, would come to destroy the world. It is ironic that the Elohim,
who was always the great deceiver, is the very one the Christians fear. At the same time he is the one they worship.
men who wrote the Bible, indeed, placed subconscious messages within its pages. Dig them out and you might be surprised at
what they say. There might even be a few lines of truth to be found. That's more than I can promise for the rest of the book.
God is an internal force, living in all of us, it is my belief that anything any of us writes on paper can be interpreted
as something just as holy as the words in the scriptures. For this reason we should be conscious of who we are when we write
and speak. The same messages can be found in the lines of the words we write.
This is the real secret of the Omega
Code. Don't let the movie scare you. Just watch and enjoy.