The Mind of James Donahue Male Virility |
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The Phallus Still Dominates
Religious Thought By James Donahue You see it everywhere
if you look; the obelisk in They are upright pillars,
and all symbols of an erect male penis. As long as humans have
been building monuments, the designs have included this shape. It is pleasing to the human eye and for a good subconscious,
if not conscious reason. The erect male penis is a symbol of male virility. It is an expression of strength and power the
world over. The concept has
been with us since time immortal. The Egyptians invented
the obelisk and made no secret of its meaning. Two obelisks once stood at the doors of every temple. That symbol
can be found today in our nation’s capital, and even on our printed money. It is one of many monuments symbolizing the
virility of the nation. Except in X-rated films,
the male penis is rarely shown in open public display, but it is constantly portrayed in artistic symbolism in our films,
in our architecture, our advertising and even in our gestures. For example, we project the middle finger and we use the “thumbs-up”
symbol in gestures of silent but powerful communication. Some men shave their heads making their entire bodies look like the
penis. Ironically, Christianity
is known for a religion that expresses sexual control through guilt and denial. Yet the cross, the very symbol of Christianity,
is in itself a symbol of an inverted but erect penis and testicles. I think the Satanists got it right when they decided to
turn the cross upside down. Before the cross, the
first Catholic churches portrayed three dimensional images of the penis and testicles as the phallic symbol signifying strength
and religious meaning. This was eventually switched to the image of the cross. The cross was not an invention
of the Christian church. Its symbol appeared on ancient Egyptian monuments and tombs, an obvious sign of the phallus or of
coition. Sometimes the crux ansata, or cross with a circle on the top, is found next to the phallus. Thus the cross was used
in pagan worship long before the Christian church invented the story about a god/man named Jesus being crucified on one. It is laughable when people
put so much faith in the symbol of the cross that they believe it will ward off evil spirits and curses. The ancients believed
the virility of the phallus would accomplish the same thing through mysticism and religious power. |