The Mind of James Donahue Where Is The Terror? |
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The Great Doomsday Myth By James Donahue There should be a growing
sense of terror among people all over the world that doomsday is upon us. We see it in the eyes
of little children who still retain some memory of astral existence where time is non-existent and all living beings know
the future. And the concern is clearly in the collective. Authors are writing volumes about doomsday prophecies, and film
and nightly television programming frequently projects an “end-of-the-world” theme. But people in general
don’t seem to be taking the reality of their dilemma seriously. The stories are popular because they titillate and thus
entertain. They are considered fiction. Nobody really expects the world to end. The extinction of the human race is impossible
to fathom. Science warns that the
planet is overpopulated, it is heating, it is running out of natural resources including the essentials of life, food, water
and clean air. The two major polluters of the environment, Even more alarming, the
dominos are being set up for a looming global war between the great military forces of the world. A sobering report by Laurence
Vance on Lew Rockwell’s web site lists 15 major conflicts already raging in the world, including the We still live under the
old threat of nuclear war. While it goes on under the cloak of secrecy, I also wager that sophisticated weapons of mass destruction
are being developed that make those old bombs of the 1950s pale by comparison. The neutron bomb is being developed and studied.
Technology is being developed for an accurate delivery of nuclear bombs. The strange power of HAARP and the mysterious spreading
of metallic particles by military aircraft in our skies suggest that something ominous is in the works. So why aren’t people
cowering in fear? I believe it is because the mind-set of the masses has been infected by the numbing brain-washing doled
out for centuries by the false and enslaving religious systems of the world. Our Christian-oriented
society, that currently dominates the White House, actually seems to welcome the idea of a final global war. The great Battle
of Armageddon, as foretold in the Bible’s Book of the Revelation, spills so much blood that it rises to the hubs of
the wheels of vehicles. The world has never seen
such horror so why would we want a war like that to happen? It is because the Bible also includes a promise that such a battle
will bring a return of the Christian “savior” Jesus Christ and the “rapture” of the believers into
the clouds. In other words, But what if they are
wrong? What if they have been tricked by angelic deception, as warned by psychic and remote viewer Aaron C. Donahue? It will mean that billions
of people will soon die in world warfare, the likes of which have never been seen in history. While Donahue believes world
population numbers need to be reduced to save the planet, he would prefer a more Earth-friendly way of accomplishing this
grisly task. Open warfare with conventional
weapon systems will only speed up the death of our planet. This means that even the survivors of such a war will be doomed
to a terrible death as the planet dies under their feet. And after this comes
the worst of horrors; human extinction and loss of the soul. |