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Is The Moon An Artificial Orbiter? By James Donahue Even though we have sent men to explore its surface, and
to examine it from all directions in space, the Moon remains as much a mystery to us today as it has always been. At least now we know that that globe that glows in the
night sky is not made of green cheese, and we think it may be impossible for a man to be living inside of it . . . but what
about aliens? Is it really a rock in space, or is it something more? If anything, our missions to the Moon generated more questions
than answers. For example, nearly all of the moon rocks returned from those missions are found by analysis to be much older
than rocks found on Earth. The oldest rocks on Earth are 3.7 billion years old, while the moon rocks were calculated from
4.3 to 5.3 billion years old. Thus the Moon appears to be much older than the Earth. This little piece of information alone seems to knock
holes in the theories that the Moon was formed in a massive cloud of space dust at the same time of Earth, or that it was
formed from a large piece of Earth following a cataclysmic collision with another large and drifting planet. If either theory
were true, the rocks should test out to be about the same age. Then there is what one writer called "The Idiot Theory,"
that the Earth's gravity captured the Moon as it was passing by and pulled it into orbit. Scientists have done computer testing
of this idea and found that rather than go into orbit, an object the size of the Moon would have crashed into the Earth if
it wasn't far enough away to just stay on its course and pass on by. Thus, we really have no logical explanation of how the
Moon got there. All we know is that it exists, and that its presence as an orbiter of our planet acts like a stabilizer, making
it possible for life to exist on Earth. In space, everything is weightless, but everything also
has mass. Large bodies of mass, like both the Earth and the Moon, create gravity. Since the Earth is larger than the Moon,
it is the dominant force, thus making the Moon its satellite. Yet the Moon's existence acts something like a gyroscope on
ships at sea, and aircraft in storms; it prevents the planet from wobbling too far off its course. The Moon's gravitational pull causes ocean tides making
it possible for sea life to spawn in active, ever moving currents. It creates a natural life cycle for humans, bringing forth
seasons, putting a natural hormonal clock to work in women, and doing a lot of other mysterious stuff that seems to assist
us in our daily lives. As one writer put it: "Earth life needs the Moon to function,
and likewise the Moon needs the Earth to orbit. Therefore, these two bodies are essentially in a symbiotic state. To
my mind, it's quite difficult to grasp the entire celestial engineering that was required for our solar system's stability."
It would seem that if a creator was going to make a perfect
world on which to put mankind, it would have to have a Moon to make everything tick. Thus the Moon is there by perfect design.
Yet if our creator is the Mother Earth, and our progenitor is Lucifer, an alien visitor that picked this planet on which to
place his children, then how do we explain the Moon? The Moon acts suspiciously like an artificial machine
rather than a natural body of space rock. It circles the Earth in a perfect circular orbit, always keeping one face turned
toward the Earth, something the planets and other moons around them rarely do. Only Lapetus, one of the moons circling Saturn,
shows similar characteristics. Because it doesn't whirl, people of Earth never get to
see what has been traditionally called "The Dark Side of the Moon." The only pictures ever taken of the other side came from
the Apollo Space missions. And of course, conspiracy theories about "whats really there" have been around. People like space
writer and lecturer Richard Hoagland are suggesting that the astronauts found glass buildings and other interesting structures
on the back of the Moon, and our government is keeping it a secret. Psychic and remote viewer Aaron C. Donahue says he has
examined this story and finds it to be incorrect. He says there are no buildings on the dark side of our moon. It appears
as barren as the side that we look at on a clear night. There is a piece by writer Jim Ostrowski circling the
web suggesting strongly that the moon is an artificial ball that may even have a hollow core. He argues that the physics of
landing an unmanned space probe on any object in space involves a calculation of its gravitational pull, and that is calculated
based upon the size of the target. Early efforts by both the Ostrowski also points to the discovery of something he
calls "mascons," or Mass Concentrations of Gravity that are found in certain places within the lunar globe. He wrote that
the mascons were discovered by the Lunar Orbiter missions in the late 1960s. "NASA reported that the gravitational pull caused by these
mascons was so pronounced that the spacecraft dipped slightly and accelerated when flitting by the circular lunar plains.
This showed that there must be some hidden structures of some kind of dense, heavy matter centered like a bulls eye under
the circular maria," Ostrowski said. Yet another unnamed writer reported that the astronauts
found the surface of the Moon so hard, just under the loose dust layer, that they could not drill into it. "When the discarded
descent stages of the spacecrafts crashed on the Moon, NASA noted that the moon rang like a gone or bell for up to four hours
after impact." This information could not be confirmed. |