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Beating The Airwaves For Wrong Cause On those times when I take my wife shopping, I spend time
in our car listening to the radio. I find that my choices range from contemporary pop music, that is so bad it hurts my ears,
or the radio talk shows. I naturally choose the latter, not because I agree with
what I hear, but because I find amusement in listening to the strange logic perpetuated by the likes of such ultra-conservative
flag-waving characters as Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Michael Savage. The constant daily assault on Democratic Party efforts
to generate support for a candidate that might unseat George W. Bush, and the repeated beating of the Bush war drum favoring
our military operations in That Savage would go so far as to suggest that all newspaper
(and website?) editors that oppose Bush and (the American invasion of a Moslem country without provocation) be arrested and
jailed for sedition was so ridiculous that the comment made headlines. When Savage would implied that anyone daring to question
the actions of a fanatical leadership is guilty of subversion and treason he sounded like no more than what he really is, a
tool of a dictatorial government. In a democratic republic, as A lot of people believe it necessary just now to
question the actions of the Bush Administration. Many of us were questioning it even before we invaded What I find hard to believe is that people like Savage,
Hannity and Limbaugh don't appear to see what a terrible mess we have made of the Columnist Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr. explained in a recent
piece: "We have a 'war' that has proven to be a complete calamity
in every conceivable way. The blood and violence are ghastly. It started as a war for democracy and American values and it
is ending in body bags, a radicalized population, hundreds of billions (of dollars) wasted, and an emboldened horde of terrorists
(gathering) from all countries." In addition to that, Rockwell said "the original rationales
for the war are proven hoaxes. The soldiers hate it. The Iraqis hate the soldiers. I find myself wasting way too much time writing about
this irrational mess. In comparison to the real problems facing the people of this planet, the little skirmish we have going
in All of the radio and television talk hosts would do well
to shift their focus on the environment, the impact the Bush Administration's policies are having on air, ground and water
pollution, and the growing threat of human extinction. A close examination of this ultra serious threat to every
man, woman and child currently alive on this planet would make the Iraq war, the conflict between Jews and Moslems, the threats
by China against Taiwan, the differences between North and South Koreans, and the constant threat of war between India and
Pakistan pale by comparison. To allow just one of the above named powder kegs to escalate
to nuclear warfare would probably mean total annihilation of the human race within our lifetime. The stakes are that high.
Because the media has not been paying attention, no one
has noticed. The few of us who see what is happening are not being heard. It is as if nobody wants to listen because
they don't want to believe it. |