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A friend recently e-mailed the following. The little story line, while funny, also points to a flaw
that is taking us down the deadly road we are currently traveling.
The irony in this funny little story is that it is almost true. The error is that it hasn't been
Satan, but American capitalism that created all of the deadly variations to turn good food into bad. It was the capitalist
system that brought us radio, television, cars, motorized golf carts and all of the other devices that turned us into couch
potatoes. And it was capitalism that turned health insurance into a greedy empire conspiring against the people who need it
the most.
And we let it happen.
Americans have consequently become a nation of overweight, unhealthy sheep who have lost their ability to think. We are skillfully manipulated through subliminal messages delivered via our televisions, radios and even the Internet. We can be programmed to buy certain products, watch certain films, elect certain leaders, and even go to war almost at the flip of a switch. Why, for example, do you think the people would collectively agree to allow their president to declare
a universal and unending state of war against a political philosophy . . . terrorism . . . which can never be won? Or
willingly allow our leaders to dismantle the freedoms we once enjoyed through the U. S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights,
all in the guise of protecting us from terrorism within?
And why would we just yawn and turn up the air conditioner another notch when our president assures
us that the record heat wave, flaming forests, and crazy weather patterns are not caused by global warming. We even allowed
Mr. Bush drop the lawsuits brought by the Environmental Protection Agency against several big electric companies with coal
burning plants that are in gross violation of the Federal Clean Air Act.
That we have used this so-called war-on-terrorism to attack Afghanistan in pursuit of a radical
Moslem leader believed responsible for the 9-11 attack on America, was an act of terrorism far worse than anything Osama bin
Laden brought against us. There were slightly less than 3000 people killed in the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon.
As of December, 2001, our bombs were known to have killed 3,700 innocent civilians in Afghanistan. We also destroyed homes,
crops and food sources. And the killing continues in that country to this day. The irony is that we failed to capture or kill
Mr. Bin Laden. As of this date, we don't even know where he is.
And while our attacks in Afghanistan continue, our leaders are openly planning another attack against
Iraq, even though no one can connect that nation's leader, Saddam Hussein, with the 9-11 attacks.
Are the people acting right in America? I think not.