The Mind of James Donahue Volcanism |
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Is By James Donahue Oct. 4, 2005 The last major volcanic
eruption in the The 1980 event will long
be remembered by many people throughout the The eruption that year
was triggered by a 5.1 magnitude earthquake centered directly under the mountain. The blast removed 1,314 feet from the top
of the mountain, reducing it from 9,677 feet to 8,363 feet, left a large crater and changed the local landscape forever. The ash cloud reached
a height of 80,000 feet within 15 minutes and drifted to the east coast in three days. Most of the ash fell within 300 miles
of the mountain, but the fine ash in the upper altitudes circled the earth in 15 days and continued to stay there for years
afterward, filtering the sunlight and affecting the climate in the Northern Hemisphere. Not only did the mountain
blast shoot upward, it also blew out of the north side, causing a 230 square mile area of devastation that reached a distance
of 17 miles from the crater. The blast brought temperatures as high as 660 degrees Fahrenheit and carried the power of 24
megatons of thermal energy, snapping large trees and stripping their bark. Mighty rock from the
mountain top rolled down the mountain at speeds of 70 to 150 miles an hour, burying the North Ford of the Not only rock, but the
snow on the mountain was instantly evaporated into steam by the heat. It formed large mudflows that rolled down the mountain
in a super landslide that destroyed 27 bridges, 200 homes, 185 miles of roads and 15 miles of railway. Lava with searing heat
nearing 1,300 degrees Fahrenheit, also flowed from the crater covering six square miles before stopped. After all of that, the
mountain went dormant for about 20 years. The people of As many volcano watchers
know And even more ominous
is a that new dome that has appeared inside the massive crater left by the 1980 blast. Geologists studying the mountain say
it is growing up to 16 feet a day.. Because the magma was
first coming from the pool created by the volcano’s 1980 eruption, geologists were not expressing concern that the mountain
would explode again. But experts who recently
examined some new lava rocks on the mountain found that fresh magma now is mixing with the old, and that has generated concern.
It means, they say, that a deeper reservoir of fresher, more explosive magma has now opened. And it means that the danger
of another large eruption has increased. One story said an earthquake
analysis at the site has yielded tangible evidence of a crack in the Earth’s crust extending for miles beneath the volcano.
It is a weak spot in the crust that is providing a path for the molten rock to follow when it comes to the surface. “The volcano is
there because magma has been rising through that zone of weakness for tens of thousands of years,” said volcanologist
Dan Dzurisin. |