The Mind of James Donahue Panhandlers Beware |
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Evil Plan Afoot To Press American Youth To War? By
James Donahue August
2005 The The war has nothing to do with terrorism. In fact, it is really sparking terrorism that may soon be coming
here to bite us. But the American warmongers have a bit of a problem. Due to unexpected heavy resistance and the loss of lives
and limbs of our troops, the political sentiment at home is turning against the campaign in If the Bush Administration expects to stay in Thus a quandary. There seems to be a plan afoot to resolve this problem in a most subtle and malicious way. There is a growing force of unemployed young Americans, many of them now becoming homeless because they cannot
find work and cannot afford to pay for housing. Many are still living with their parents. All across I first noticed this phenomenon this week when I caught a story about the City of Why would A search of the net quickly revealed that Most people elected to city councils can be easily persuaded to pass laws to control things that are unsightly
or embarrassing to the city’s image. And lets face it, the large and rapidly growing number of homeless and begging
people on the streets of I suppose the councils reason that if they pass a law making homelessness illegal, the problem will go away.
Or at least, the homeless will move on to someone else’s city and no longer be a problem in that particular community. But with every town in the nation passing panhandler laws, we suddenly have a backlog of homeless people in
violation of the law. They can be arrested for going up to a stranger and asking for “a little change” for a meal. The poor have always been out there. I remember during better times when the skid-row bums would hit you
up for a quarter in hopes of getting enough money together by the end of a day to buy a cheap bottle of wine. The winos may still be out there, but they are outnumbered now by the really needy people. Some are entire
families living in their cars, or in cardboard boxes. Many even have menial jobs but can’t afford the cost of rent.
Their numbers have grown expedientially since big corporations started outsourcing jobs overseas. You can’t believe the government reports that say jobless numbers have fallen. These statistics
are based on population estimates and the numbers drawing unemployment benefits. A lot of people have gone so long without
work they have fallen off the unemployment count. They are drawing welfare or are eating in public soup kitchens if they get
any help at all. Consider how this kind of work environment looks to the youth of That critical time
during and after high school is when the youth are anxious to get out on their own. It is common for them to move out
of the nest and try their wings. Without good prospects for work they quickly run into trouble. And if they aren’t making
a business out of selling drugs or prostitution, they are panhandling. Whatever our young people
are doing, they are destined to eventually clash with the police. As already explained,
the panhandling law isn’t going to be a threat for the old drifter that has lost all hope. He will see this as a good
thing and probably find a way to quickly take advantage of it. If I am right, however, the police may be leaving him alone. But there is a devious
trap building out there for the drifting young man who has no job and isn’t getting any support at home. I believe this
law is designed to force our wandering youth right into the military. Think of it. A young
boy has left home to find his way in the world, but he is soon down on his luck. He has no place to stay. He is in the
street and hungry. Out of desperation he asks a stranger for help. Suddenly a police officer has him handcuffed and he is
being booked for committing a crime. He has just panhandled without getting a license to do it. (That's right, some of the
laws require a license to panhandle.) The stigma attached to
getting arrested to a young person with no life experience can be staggering. If he calls his parents for help,
the whole family is suddenly caught up in a drama at the police station. Everybody is worried about the boy's future now that
he has a police record. That is the way the system works. We are all brainwashed to believe it. When the youth gets to
court, the judge will give him an option. In my years of court reporting I have seen this happen even in times when the military
wasn’t scrambling for manpower. The judge will tell him he can go to jail, or join the army and wipe his slate clean.
He has a choice. Judges think that youths
who are first-time offenders can get their lives straightened out if they join the military and learn self discipline.
What do you think this
young man is going to choose? In the old days, when
the British Navy grabbed young boys on the street and tossed them into the brigs of ships until the vessels sailed, it was
called the press. When In effect, the panhandler
laws appear to be a form of pressing our young men into military service. For the young, the solution
to this is to choose jail time. From my vantage point, a few days in the clink is better than four years or longer
of getting shot at or your feet blown out from under you. And face it, how can time in jail wreck a career today? Unless you
have connections or come from a wealthy family, there are no careers for most young men and women. Nothing the courts do to
you because you were homeless will make life any worse. If enough “convicted
panhandlers” take the jail option, they will overcrowd the jails. There won’t be room left for the marijuana smokers. But then, if you agree
that capturing control of oil is truly vital to national security, then join up and fight. Don’t bother panhandling
at all. The army will fix you right up. |