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Signs Are Everywhere – The Animal Kingdom Is Being Preserved


By James Donahue

August 2005


If Psychic Aaron C. Donahue’s theory about cattle mutilations is correct, cells of the animal are going to be cloned so the creatures will live again in the next world. Now it appears that the cows will not be alone.


And if a remnant of the human race gets to travel with the alien technology into that new world (or old one based on Donahue’s vision of going back in time), it appears that we are going to feel right at home with the animal kingdom. Most of the critters that we have known and loved are going back with us.


Documentary producer Linda Moulton Howe reports on her website “Earthfiles” that a variety of bloodless mutilations of a wide variety of animals ranging from pigs and goats and rabbits to deer, elk and even horses are being found all over the world.


She said the mutilations also include cats and dogs and kangaroos.


Thus if a remnant of the human race gets to travel with alien technology into that new world (or old one based on Donahue’s vision of going back in time), it appears that we might feel right at home with the animal kingdom. Most of the critters that we have known and loved are going back with us.


Like the cattle through the American west, Howe reports that all of the mutilations show signs of surgical removal of body parts, including the heads and organs. The bodies of these creatures show no sign of struggle, as there would be if it had been attacked by another animal. And even more perplexing, there is no blood.


Donahue, a Luciferian who teaches that the human race was created by an alien race of advanced beings remembered in mythology as the fallen angel Lucifer, says there is an important reason for the cattle mutilations. He said the aliens are taking DNA cells from cattle so the animals can be re-established in the world where a remnant of the human race will be going.


He says there will be only enough humans going on this trip to carry the genetic diversity required to continue the human race. For this reason the survival of children is critical. Consequently the presence of livestock and especially milking cows will be important. Many mothers are unable to successfully feed their children with breast milk, so cow’s milk will be needed.


The technology of all of this is much more complex than we have room to explain here. For instance, there is no wasted energy in the alien world so the concept of carrying a ship filled with living humans and animals, a modern-day version of the Noah’s Ark story, is impractical. The best we can hope for, Donahue says, is that the DNA of a remnant of volunteers will be selected for transmission through time and then planted in the bodies of unborn babies of living humanoids.


He believes our arrival in the past is part of the mythology in the Book of Genesis. It is the a story about gods coming down from the sky and having children with the daughters of men. The children become giants on the earth.


The term giant refers to the mental abilities of the humans, not so much the physical size. Donahue believes they are changed from apes to humans within three generations because of continued and successful cellular manipulation by Lucifer.


Thus we strangely are the children of Lucifer, but we become both the beginning and the end of the human race as we know it.


That our over-population, improper ravaging of natural resources and resulting pollution has destroyed the Earth means that we are heading for extinction. If we can solicit Lucifer’s help Donahue believes a remnant of humanity may get a chance to start all over again. Since there appears to be a calculated effort by the aliens to pick up cells of the world’s animals, it seems possible that there also are plans in the works to move a body of humans.


But it won’t be as simple as that. That our cellular memory will be inserted into the children means that the giants of old will possess a memory of us. Donahue believes the destination will be to about at the end of the Cretaceous period, or about 65 million years into the past. We cannot go forward because we have killed the planet. Nothing lies in the future except a burned, dried and overheated globe.


When he uses advanced techniques of remote viewing to examine the human future, however, Donahue says he sees a planet where the few people in existence live underground because there are no trees. The world is green, however. It appears to be in the midst of rekindling life following an earlier mass extinction.


Geologists say they see evidence that a mass extinction also occurred prior to the Cretaceous Period.

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