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So You Still Think Nothing’s
Wrong With The Weather? By James Donahue July 19, 2005 As Hurricane Emily picks
up steam from the heated waters of the Gulf for a second hit on These weather events
are overriding news stories about the other peculiar weather going on around the world. The terrible drought
that has ravaged the Not only is the drought
taking its toll, but this year the Southwest is taking some of the worst heat in memory. Temperatures are soaring high over
the 100 degree mark, hitting a record 115 degrees Fahrenheit in “At the beginning
they seem small, insignificant insects but they grow very quickly,” one farmer is quoted as saying. “They eat
everything that is green, leaving only stalks, and when they have finished they leave some kind of scent so the cattle do
not want to graze on what is left.” The news out of This appears to be but
the beginning of the impact of a dying planet that is overpopulated, polluted and out-resourced. A panel of representatives
from around the world prepared a troublesome report concerning the looming effects of global climate change because of the
burning of fossil fuels prior to the G8 Summit in The masses may be willing
to keep their heads in the sand for a while yet, in an effort to ignore this problem and hope it goes away. The truth is, the Earth
is beginning to tell us in no uncertain terms that she is in serious trouble. The storms, the heat and the total melt-down
occurring all over this planet is reaching extremes where even the controlled media can no longer ignore what is happening.