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Biotech Industry Celebrated
When It Should Be Ashamed By James Donahue May 2005 An AP story said Biotech
farmers this spring were “lauding” what they called a milestone for the industry, the planting of the billionth
acre of biotech seed. “Today, we have
hit an amazing milestone,” said Tom West, vice president of biotechnology affairs for Pioneer Hi-Bred International
Inc. “Somewhere in the northern hemisphere, a farmer has planted the one billionth acre of seed containing biotech traits.” In making his announcement
at an Stephen Howell, director
of the Plant Sciences Institute at In spite of the propaganda
projected by the Most European countries
have rejected GMO crops, although “confusion” in seed shipments gradually slipped the products onto European farms,
in spite of farmer unwillingness to grow them. US growers, caught up
in corporate farming, had no trouble adjusting to the song of modified seeds that resist weeds, insects and disease without
the assistance of chemicals. What they did not know, and probably don’t care to hear about even now, is what they have
already done to the pre-biotic chemistry of our planet. It has been discovered
that mutated versions of these seeds are cross pollinating with their distant relatives in the wild. All grains, including
corn, are grasses. Thus the GMO grains are infecting the natural grasses of the world. Psychic viewer Aaron
C. Donahue warns that the intrusion of genetically altered plants is affecting “on a molecular level the pre-biotic
chemistry” of the planet. He believes the damage is so great that the Earth is no longer able to revive in the event
of a major event that causes another mass extinction. It was from this pre-biotic
chemistry that all life on Earth sprang. And based upon evidence found in the geology of the planet, the life cycle has had
to restart more than once because of past extinctions. Apparently the Earth had its own built-in emergency system for rekindling
life once it got snuffed out. But Donahue believes
that GMO tampering and world-wide pollution from overpopulation and careless stewardship threatening all life on this planet.
The altering of this important heart of the planet’s life cycle, the pre-biotic chemistry, is killing the Earth from
the inside out. Once dead, all life on the planet is doomed. The next extinction will be permanent. |