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By James Donahue March 2005 As He may live to eat those
words. The world has changed
since that time, nearly 150 years ago. Today American business has strong ties to While Americans have
been blindly attacking invisible targets and spending military energy in the Thus our front in this
new threat of a global war is two-fold. And it is more deadly than many Americans might expect. Lead by a president with
Armageddon on his mind, the American people are blindly allowing themselves to be brought into a conflict that will mean the
downfall of the nation, according to psychic viewer Aaron C. Donahue. By comparison, our own
engine of war is exhausted from three years of fighting in The In short, there are few
troops left to defend the homeland. We are ripe for the plucking. And the Chinese leadership knows it. Not only this, but the
government’s allowance of local industrial and commercial “outsourcing” of jobs to India, China, Indonesia,
Mexico and other points overseas, has caused a shutdown of industry in America. If and when the day comes for us to rebuild
a mighty war engine such as we did during the days after Even our food, our electronic
toys, cars, and communications equipment is controlled now from overseas. When a global war breaks
out, we are going to be left “up the creek” without food and without many of the services most of our youth have
grown to depend on. How many young women today can grind flour and make bread from scratch? How many people live with enough
land to grow food? When the shelves at the local supermarket are empty, most Americans will starve. After just over 200 years,
the great Republic of the |