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Angelic Possession To
The Extreme By James Donahue February 2005 The signs of angelic
possession are becoming so blatant that those of us on the outside, looking in, find it difficult to understand why more
people are not aware of it. The reelection of President
George W. Bush is an example of what I am saying. This man, who professes Jesus as his personal savior and expects to be raptured
into the clouds any day to meet this god figure, has surrounded himself with a staff of fellow believers. He was elected by the
masses, millions of people who also believe and are probably as possessed as Mr. Bush. If not possessed, they are conditioned
to be glad they have a Bible thumping president in control of the White House. That Bush is somewhat
illiterate, has difficulty speaking with complete sentences and using correct grammar doesn’t seem to matter. That the
man has openly invaded another nation and launched a war in the All that seems to matter
to the cheering supporters of George W. Bush is that he believes in Jesus. Thus they perceive him as a good man. There
is a belief that God is going to lead Mr. Bush, and consequently the nation into the future. To Christians, the revelation
by psychic viewer Aaron C. Donahue that Mr. Bush is possessed by an archangel, is not a frightening thing. Most people have
been carefully brainwashed throughout their lives to believe that angels are on this planet to protect, serve and watch over
humans. Angels are considered God’s ambassadors from Heaven. But that is not true. Angels are spiritual
beings all right, but they don’t come to us at the direction of a supreme power. They are a power unto themselves. They
are aliens that are here to manipulate our minds and control our destiny in ways that are detrimental to everyone concerned. It has been the angel
agenda to prevent the humans from evolving both mentally and spiritually. By creating for us enslaving religious belief systems
that thrive on fear, the angels have blocked us from doing the very things we humans need to do to bring about both mental
and spiritual growth. The Christians, for example,
prohibit such things as meditation, yogi, freedom of sexual expression, and use of mind enhancing natural herbs that help
us reach advanced states of consciousness. They either regard such activity as evil, or through government controls, make
it illegal. Now that the angels have
us under their control, their next move is to nudge our nations into world conflict. There is little doubt that President
Bush is an Armageddon president. The driving force within him seeks to move swiftly to bring on an apocalyptic third world
war and the swift destruction of millions, if not billions of people. If we use nuclear weaponry,
it is possible that we might leave our planet so scarred, it will be left uninhabitable forever. There are enough nuclear
bombs in the arsenals of the world powers to accomplish this within a matter of hours. This, of course, would
be the ultimate in stupidity on everybody’s part. Pure logic should prevent our leadership from even considering such
a move. But does angelic possession allow room for logical thought? Consider the radical
case of extreme angelic possession that is going on these days in It seems
that Bible believers who visit the holy historic places in that city often develop what psychologists are calling a “bizarre
mental syndrome” in which they assume the roles of Biblical figures. Some of
these people become King David, others are John the Baptist, the Virgin Mary, Mary Magdalene, and even Jesus. The syndrome
is said to affect an estimated 20 people a year, almost all of them Christians or Jews. Doctors are perplexed as to why this
is happening. Of course,
modern medicine takes no stock in such things as angelic or demonic possession. Thus the doctors will never understand this
phenomenon. Are the
possessions in Cases include
people who start preaching in the streets, a man who caused a commotion in a local hotel because he was giving orders to prepare
the last supper, and a young woman who showed up at a local hospital to give birth to the Baby Jesus. Then there
was the case of a deranged Australian Christian who set fire to the Al Aqsa Mosque. This is
angelic, not demonic possession. Why would
angels want to destroy us? It is because
humans, if they would ever allow themselves to evolve to be the magnificent creatures they were designed to be, with both
halves of our brains functioning at full capacity, would be capable of seeing the angels and knowing them for what they are.
The angels
know that they would be destroyed the moment we saw them. We humans
are caught up in the midst of a spiritual war that has been raging for thousands of years. That war involves the future of
the human race. The angels
want us dead. The other spiritual powers, improperly referred to by Christians as “demons,” are fighting to preserve
the Mother Earth. While they have no specific love for humans at this point, these spirits are indirectly on our side. It should make Americans
feel uneasy to think an angel controls the mind of their president. |