
Was Adam An Alien Half-Breed?
Everybody knows
the Bible story about the origin of the human race.
The Hebrew god Jehova, also called Elohim, created a man named
Adam and a woman named Eve and placed them in a garden called Eden. This is an ancient story shared by both the Jewish and
Christian religions. It appears in Genesis, the first book of the Old Testament.
I suspect this story is a twisted
version of what really happened. Because of personal contact with aliens in parallel but multi-dimensional universes, I know
that we three-dimensional humans are not alone. We never have been alone. We are surrounded by intelligent life that sometimes
enters our dimension and frequently manages to influence our way of life.
While I cannot prove it, I suspect that one
or more alien cultures came to Earth in the distant past and used some form of genetic engineering to alter the brains of
existing animals, giving them what we know today as human consciousness. This would explain the sudden rise of great civilizations.
It also would answer the riddle behind the construction of complex cities and stone monuments by a people that just crawled
out of a cave-life existence.
How would humans have the sudden ability to hunt, farm, build monuments, and worship
a god unless they were (a.) suddenly created (i.e. genetic manipulation) and also (b.) given personal instruction by another
intelligent life form. Our apparent need to constantly worship something, whether it is a rock or an invisible deity in the
sky, might stem from this kind of mental conditioning.
I recently had my nose buried in an unusual book, "The Pleiadian
Agenda" by Barbara Hand Clow, in which the author claims to be a human vehicle for various alien communicators. The aliens
(in her) say they are using this book in an attempt to push certain buttons and awaken readers into an understanding of just
who we are.
Clow's work speaks mostly on behalf of the Pleiadians, a race of aliens interested in helping humans rise
above our situation. The author claims that we also share this planet with mainly two other alien races, the Reptilians and
the Anunnaki. It is the Anunnaki who appear to be the villains in this story. These people, who reportedly come to Earth from
the planet Niberu every 3,600 years, appear to be the creators of some of us. But according to the Pleiadians, their motive
was never divine. They made humans to work as their slaves. They created our complex religious belief systems to make sure
we always remain trapped in their elaborate program of social control.
The Pleiadians claim that the planet Niberu
is part of our solar system, but it has such a wide arch that it only comes into view every 3,600 years. At that time Niberu
gets close enough to Earth to allow the Anunnaki to physically travel here. Their last visit was at the time of Jesus. Niberu
was the star referred to in the Christmas story. The visit prior to that was made at the time the Sumarian Empire rose to
how the Anunnaki manage to exist on a world that swings so far out of the galaxy it cannot benefit from the heat of the sun,
is not explained.
Indeed, this is a wild story. But because I am always willing to consider new ideas and theories,
I filed it away in my head for possible future reference.
While studying an ancient translation of The Epic of Gilgamesh,
a type of creation story found in clay tablets among Sumerian ruins dating back to third millenium BC, I was surprised to
find a reference to the Anunnaki:
"When the Anunnaki, the judges, come together, and Mammetun, the mother of destinies,
together they decree the fates of men. Life and death they allot but the day of death they do not disclose," one text reads.
epic also speaks of Anu, "lord of the firmament," an image of God the creator of man.
Indeed, the Sumarians believed
that the Anunnaki were gods of a dark underworld where the dead go. Anu was a father of gods, "the great above."
strange Book of Enoch, an ancient text discovered in Ethiopia in 1773 (and because of references to it in ancient Hebrew writings
considered to be among the oldest manuscripts in existence) talks about 200 angels who came down to earth to mate with the
women. Led by a high angel named Azazyel, the angels produced giant men who ate so much they soon consumed all of the food.
After that they fed on the animals and even the flesh of humans.
During this strange occupation, Enoch writes that
humans were taught to make swords, knives, shields, breastplates, mirrors, jewelry, paints and dyes, make cosmetics, and use
valuable stones. The people also learned sorcery, use of roots and plants for medicine, astronomy, astrology and other "signs,"
and the importance of the "motion of the moon."
In November I had the privilege of listening to Fr. Charles Moore,
a Roman Catholic Priest, speak on the Coast to Coast radio talk show. Moore, an obvious maverick among the Catholics, also
talked about the Anunnaki and his belief in their control over the human race.
It is Moore's opinion that the Anunnaki come to Earth to mine
gold. He said gold is an element that cannot be found on Niberu. The Anunnaki use a form of alchemy to refine gold into a
liquid that they consume. When done correctly, Moore claims the metal makes the consumer young and healthy, gives them great
mental powers, and assures eternal life in this body and in this dimension. The formula that works for the Anunnaki also would
work for humans, he said.
Moore believes the Anunnaki created us to mine gold for them. Indeed, gold is regarded by
humans to be a most precious and admired metal. It is worn freely as decorative jewelry. Gold also has been used to make coins
of value.
Since hearing that broadcast, I have stumbled upon the writings of yet another Anunnaki believer: Zecharia
Sitchin, an expert in ancient Semitic and Hebrew languages, has stirred much controversy with his books, writings
and lectures. His Earth Chronicles series offers the premise that mythology is the repository of ancient memory, the Bible
is a historic and scientific document, and ancient civilizations were the product of knowledge given to the people by the
In a lecture at New York University in 1993, Sitchin outlined his theory about human origins and our link
with the Anunnaki. Following are excerpts from his talk:
"There is one more planet in our own solar system, not light
years away, that comes between Mars and Jupiter every 3,600 years. People from that planet came to Earth almost half a million
years ago and did many of the things about which we read in the Bible, in the book of Genesis.
"I prophesize the return
of this planet called Nibiru at this time. The planet is inhabited by intelligent human beings like us who will come and go
between their planet and our planet. They created Homo sapiens. We look like them. I call them the Annunaki," Sitchen said.
He said he became interested in the Sixth
Chapter of Genesis, that talks about the Nefilim, or giants, identified as "the sons of the gods who married the daughters
of man in the days before the great flood." In his research, Sitchen said he learned that Nefilim literally means "those who
have come down to earth from the heavens.
"All the ancient scriptures, the Bible, the Greek myths, the Egyptian myth
and texts, the pyramid texts, everything, led to the Sumerians, whose civilization was the first known one six thousand years
ago. I focused on Sumer, the source of these legends and myths and texts and information. I learned to read the cuneiform
Sumerian texts and came upon their persistent and repeated statements that those beings, whom the Sumerians called Anunnaki,
came to earth from a planet called Nibiru. The planet was designated by the sign of the cross and Nibiru meant, planet of
Sitchen said scholars who were following this same course of study were debating among themselves whether
Nibiru was Mars or Jupiter. He said he began an extensive study of astrological charts and realized that Nibiru couldn't be
either of these planets. He finally came to the conclusion that it was a wandering planet that crossed through our solar system.
I realized that this was the answer, that there is one more planet, everything else fell into place. The meaning of the Mesopotamian
Epic of Creation on which the first chapters of Genesis are based and all details about the Anunnaki, who they were and who
their leaders were and how they traveled from their planet to Earth and how they splashed down in the Persian Gulf and about
their first settlement, their leaders and so on and so on, everything became clear! The Sumerians had immense knowledge.
knew about Uranus and Neptune and described them and they knew about Pluto. They were proficient in mathematics and, in many
respects, their knowledge surpassed modern times. They said 'All we know was told to us by the Anunnaki.'"
Sitchen said: "The existence of Nibiru is
not a matter of just one more globe in our solar system. This is different, because if Nibiru exists, and the Anunnaki exist,
then the Sumerian claim that they come back to our vicinity every 3,600 years, at which times in the past they gave us civilization,
then we are not alone and there are more advanced people than us in our solar system."
In one of his books, "The Twelfth
Planet," Sitchen quotes a Sumerian text that he says explains how Adam, the first Homo sapien, was created. He said the process
was the same as what today is called a "test tube baby process.
"The knowledge that we have acquired corroborates what
the Sumerians knew six thousand years ago. You wonder how is it possible, how could they know? How, as another example, could
their symbol of the entwined serpents, that we still use today to denote medicine and healing and biology, be 6,000 years
ago, the symbol of Enki, who engaged in genetic engineering to bring about the Adam? That was a symbol of the DNA, the double
helix of DNA," Sitchen said.
"We look like them. They made us through genetic engineering. They jumped the gun on evolution, and made us to look
like them physically, and to be like them emotionally. That is what the Bible says: Let us make the Adam in our likeness and
after our image. Physically, outwardly and inwardly. So much of what they are, we are."
Sitchen even goes one step
farther. He also theorizes that the Anunnaki not only created us through genetic engineering, they "mixed their genes with
those of Ape-woman."
This is exactly what the remote viewer finds when he peers into the past. There was, indeed, a genetic manipulation
of existing animals on this planet to create various forms of intelligent Homo sapien. He says, however, that we are not all
from the same source. While the Anunnaki created people, other alien visitors left their own DNA prints on this planet at
even earlier times. This explains the wide variety of races that exist. We are all human, but we seem to have originated from
different places and races in the universe.

