The Mind of James Donahue Sexual Suppression |
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FCC Crackdown A Sign
Of Government Out Of Step By James Donahue January 2005 The first sign of trouble
occurred when CBS was fined for the Janet Jackson exposure during a half-time performance at the 2003 Super Bowl. Then came U2 singer Bono’s
use of the "f-word" during remarks made at the Golden Globe Awards show, and the Howard Stern fiasco, which many believe was
indirectly caused by station managers worried about looming new government controls over radio and television broadcasting. Stern solved his problem,
at least for a while, by moving his show to satellite radio where people now have the right to pay to hear him talk dirty. Stern has a big following,
as does the popular adult cartoon show Then there is the Internet,
where pornography is found at the click of a key, or mouse. Sometimes it comes to you without invitation, much to the concern
of parents still attempting to guard the minds of their children who are drawn to the web like flies to dead meat. It is clear that television
viewers in Yet at the same time,
the older, conservative, religious-oriented Americans that still have a slight edge of control at the ballot box, succeeded
last fall in re-electing an ultra conservative, born-again fundamental president for a second term and packing both the House
and Senate with enough Republicans to give this administration more power than any president since Lyndon Johnson. Thus we have a Christian
influenced agenda unraveling from We should not be surprised,
then, at a growing movement within the ranks of the Federal Communication Commission to block not only the free flow of sexual
content in public radio and television broadcasting, but also on satellite television and the Internet. Stations face fines as
high as $27,500 for every rule violation, and the FCC has the right to fine stations separately when it happens. After the
Is the FCC committing
political suicide by cleaning up the programming it controls on network television? By its very actions, it is sending more
and more viewers to cable, where the FCC still lacks control. Writer Randy Dotinga,
in an editorial piece for, suggested that the “FCC bureaucracy may try to survive by expanding its jurisdiction
to encompass the alternatives – cable TV, satellite TV and radio, maybe even the Internet.” But Dotinga said he believes
any effort by the FCC to use its powers to block free speech rights will be headed off by the Supreme Court, which has always
been a controlling force on this issue. Not so fast. The high court is in
the process of change. With Chief Justice William Rehnquist battling thyroid cancer and expected to retire any time, and one
or two other elderly justices also reaching potential retirement status, President George W. Bush and Congress are poised
to make sweeping changes in the makeup of that court. An ultra conservative
bench would be exactly what the Christian dominated manipulators of If they get their way
we can expect some very dull television programming in the years ahead. |