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More “Intellectual”
Psychic Bashing Requires Response By James Donahue January 2005 A broad editorial assault
on the psychic phenomena by Leon Jaroff, founding managing editor of Discover and correspondent for Time, requires a response
from this writer who is in a position to know something about the subject. In one broad sweep of
his pen, Jaroff claims (obviously without hard statistical research to back him up) that all psychics batted zero when it
comes to accurately predicting the outcome of recent major world events. He calls all self-proclaimed
psychics “a motley collection of mystics, charlatans, hoaxers and smooth con artists who have successfully buffaloed
a good portion of the public into believing that they have supernatural powers.” Jaroff builds his argument
on a new report by Gene Emery, of the Committee for Scientific Investigation of the Paranormal (CSICOP). It seems Emery has
just published his compilations of psychic predictions for 2004 on the organization’s website. Emery lists the Janet
Jackson Super Bowl breast flash, the prison torture in Oh really? Granted, there are a
lot of charlatans out there. They dominate the visual world of psychic phenomenon because they get press coverage. Their predictions
for the future are always fodder for the tabloids, although they rarely, if ever, come true. What Jaroff, Emery and
CSICOP don’t seem to understand is that psychics do exist, and they occasionally get mentioned in news. But it is rare
when psychics as gifted as Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce and Aaron C. Donahue come along. When they do, their achievements, while
alive, are always forced by religious controlled governments into darkness. The Nostradamus quatrains
are French poems, written in hard to understand code, because of the religious persecution going on in his day. Cayce was somewhat renowned
because he pulled the “Jesus” card. This is an old trick used by accused criminals and other public personalities
when captured or attacked because Christians believe that “sinners” who give their hearts to the Jesus god can
be converted and “made whole.” Thus Cayce, because he claimed a belief in Jesus, was not hunted down as either
a witch or a spawn of Satan. He was allowed to heal (God’s work) and write records of his visions of the future. Note that Sylvia Browne,
among the few noted “psychics” getting some recognition in today’s media, practices her con-game under the
name of Jesus. She claims Christianity, and says so every time she gets her mug in front of a television camera. While Sylvia
clearly has the ability to tap into the thoughts of people in her audience and dig out the records left by the dead, she cannot
see into the future. Her predictions of future events have always fallen flat, but because she gives her listeners “up-beat”
reports of things they like to hear, they seem willing to overlook this severe flaw in her work. Aaron C. Donahue, the
current psychic among psychics, is not being accepted because he refuses to go public under the terms demanded by the church.
He is a rebel who says religion is a disease that needs to be stomped out before humanity has any chance of evolving and even
surviving the apocalyptic events that lie in our future. Donahue declares himself a Luciferian. That is, he believes Lucifer
is, or was, a member of a powerful alien race of beings that came to this planet thousands of years ago, manipulated the DNA
of humanoid animals, and created the first thinking humans. Donahue proclaims Lucifer
as the father of the human race. Consequently Donahue
is blocked from public exposure. He is living in silent frustration. His only
outlet is the Internet, and because the fake hucksters, including Browne and Major Ed Dames, of remote viewing fame, like
to steal any predictions published there, Donahue has remained silent even there for the past year. Donahue can see future
events with remarkable accuracy. He also can find missing people and he has proven his ability to see lottery numbers on tickets
before they are drawn. In 2003 he published on his blog page the winning numbers of a three-number daily In spite of what Jaroff
writes, Donahue did catch a glimpse of 9-11 when, eight months prior to the attack and during a remote viewing session with
Dames, he drew the Donahue said Dames gave
him a target of the “next major event” in the Donahue also predicted
that George W. Bush would be re-elected to office this year. He made this prediction at least a year before the election,
back when all of the other known psychics were saying Bush would lose. He also spoke out against
Dame’s public predictions of a killer solar flare and a swipe of our solar system by “Planet X” that would
generate catastrophic world events. Donahue said they would not happen. And they haven’t. Donahue has accurately
predicted severe hurricane seasons, including the one that occurred in 2004. While he told this writer about the terrible
line-up of hurricanes for last summer, I was negligent in posting the information. Donahue said he wished to post it on his
own website first. Because of other work that took his time, he didn’t get the prediction posted. Before we knew it,
the first storm was upon us. Donahue does not waste
his time worrying about baseball or the exposures of women’s breasts during football events. They are unimportant to
him as he believes they should be to everybody else. While the prisoner abuse story in What Donahue sees in
our future is a major world war over declining natural resources. He predicted about two years ago this would happen. His
forecast was that Bush would win the election, and then set the machinery in motion for a long and ugly war with He says terrorism is
not a threat, or ever will be a threat to the security of the Donahue has a lot of
other things to say, but right now, the major radio and television stations are not opening their doors to him. This is because
they are controlled by Christian-owned and oriented corporations that want nothing to do with a man who publicly denounced
their god. They seem to be saying
Donahue is a wild man with crazy ideas that should not be heard. Strangely, however, a lot of people out there want to hear
what Aaron has to say. Even though he rarely posts, Donahue’s website is visited heavily by people all over the world.
The tragedy is that Aaron
C. Donahue could be a wonderful gift to the human race. His insights into world events and accurate observations of future
events should be treasured by government leaders. Instead, he is an outcast, living in frustration because of what he knows
and dares not say. |