The Mind of James Donahue

Overpopulated Sect

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Easter Island Tragedy - A Contemporary Warning


By James Donahue

December 2004


After publishing my piece about author Thor Heyerdahl’s discoveries, that red-haired, long-nosed explorers settled Easter Island about 500 A.D., Aaron C. Donahue revealed what radio personality Paul Harvey would call “the rest of the story.”


Donahue, a psychic and skilled remote viewer, said he looked into the Easter Island mystery and uncovered the tragic story of what happened to the people there. He said the story is a microcosm of events that should serve as a warning to the entire world today.


As Heyerdahl’s research revealed, the island was settled by red-haired, white-skinned settlers who came on ships, probably from Europe after first migrating to South America. These people thrived on the island, as did the dark skinned natives. The red-haired people, remembered by the natives as the “Long Ears” because they wore large ear rings that caused an extension of their ear lobes, established control of the island and forced the natives to work as servants and laborers.


It was during this time that stone structures were erected, as were the first of the many megaliths depicting the faces and red tops that still stand on the island.


Donahue said the megaliths were used for religious worship of some kind of deity.


The disaster that befell the residents of Easter Island involved two major errors; overpopulation and religion, Donahue said.


The civilization there flourished for a while, and the people grew in numbers. They eventually cut down all of the trees that once covered the island, over-farmed the soil and over-fished the waters. After a while there wasn’t enough food to provide for so many people and the poor began to starve.


To compensate, the long ears forced the natives to build more and more megaliths to appease the gods so conditions would improve. By doing this, they only served to use up more and more of the island’s natural resources and the situation got worse.


War broke out. The natives turned on the long ears.


Heyerdahl said from information he received from native legend, the war was a rebellion by the natives against the long ears. “They were tired of carrying stones for the long ears. They decided on war. The long ears fled from every other part of the island and established themselves at the easternmost end, on the cleared Poike peninsula,” he wrote.


There the battle was held, with the natives overwhelming the long ears, perhaps by sheer numbers. Many, but not all of the long ears were killed in the battle. People still exist on the island today that have red hair and blue eyes, Heyerdahl notes.


Donahue said he believes the war was mostly over a lack of natural resources. The food was in short supply and the long ears, who were the governing rulers, horded it while the dark skinned natives were starving. Many were dying. And the rulers were demanding more and more giant stone statues made as offerings to the gods in their futile attempts to solve this critical problem.


The war became the ultimate solution. After a lot of the natives and long ears were killed in battle, the numbers of people living on Easter Island dwindled to a size that made it possible for everyone to live and survive with the resources still available.


The trees were gone. The natural flora that once existed on Easter Island has never returned. The island remains, to this day, a stark, barren place.


Donahue said this same kind of event has happened over and over again throughout history in local areas all over the world. What is unique about Easter Island is that is is an island in the middle of the South Pacific. The natives didn’t have anyplace to run to when resources no longer provided. Thus they were forced to go to war and fight for the scraps.


This same self-generated disaster is now occurring on a global scale. We have overpopulated and spent the resources of our entire planet. Consequently we are heading for a major world war because we must not fight over the resources that still exist.


Those resources include oil, drinking water, food and lumber.


Once these things are gone for good, the human population is doomed to extinction, Donahue warns. A global war will only speed up the inevitable.


Like the people of Easter Island, we have no place left to run.

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