Planet Death Is Upon Us
By James Donahue
The stories, by themselves, are alarming enough. But when you toss them together like a winter salad,
they present a grim picture of a planet writhing in its death throes.
This site has kept a constant eye on environmental issues, offering stories about the warming planet,
melting ice caps, extreme weather, invading new species of insects and disease, and dying species of both plant and animal.
The stories are now coming at us so fast we hardly have time to think of one issue before it is joined by three or four others.
We could technically devote this entire website just to a single topic; our dying earth.
The death of so many varieties of trees has been a major focus, one that should be alarming our national
media enough to pay some attention to it. In Alaska the Spruce bark beetle is ravaging trees. The tanoak trees began falling
to some strange blight in California that is now spreading to other species of trees, including the giant redwoods. They are
calling it Sudden Oak Death Syndrome. The Emerald Ash Boer is destroying the stately ash trees across Michigan. A wild Spanish
moss is smothering trees all along the California and southern Atlantic coast. We have already lost the elm trees to Dutch
Elm Disease, and the chestnut trees to yet another insect that bores into the tree's bark.
The recent incidents in China and the United States, where thousands of birds fell dead out of the
sky, without any given reason, is but another ominous sign. Dead fish and sea life is floating in streams, inland lakes and
along our coastlines.
Then there are the weather changes. Winter is so severe all over the European and Asian continent
this year that it actually snowed in desert areas where it has never happened in human history. In contrast, the first months
of winter in the Americas has been so unusually mild that the Midwest has been both warmer and drier than normal. Yet a few
years ago it snowed in Mexico, killing millions of Monarch butterflies that spend their winter there. Scientists now are warning
that the effect of world-wide burning of fossil fuels and global warming is on the verge of creating a new and man-induced
ice age across North America and Europe.
The massive ecological disaster going on around us does not seem to be causing any great concern.
People go about their daily lives, ignoring the strange brown color of the air they are breathing, and not personally alarmed
that the water they drink now comes from plastic bottles purchased from the local grocery store.
That the very food they eat every day is constantly causing concern because it is making people sick
is making news, but most people think that is somebody else's problem. It won't happen to them.
Look around you folks. The ecological disaster is in everybody's back yard now. Look carefully at
the sky the next time we have what appears to be a sunny day. If you are lucky enough to find a rural setting, study the horizon
in mid-day. You will notice that there is a brown hue to the air around you. Even the color blue of the sky overhead is more
yellow than it used to be.
And if you have a clear night, look at the stars. You might be shocked to realize that you
can't see many of them. That isn't how the sky looked when I was a kid. I used to be dazzled by the aerial display every time
I looked at it.
I saw this same smog around us when we lived in the deserts of Northeast Arizona about 10 years ago.
It has since gotten worse.
I love the outdoors. I love to take a walk in the woods. I recall the days when it was common to have
a deer step out of the trees only a few feet from me and have a staring contest with me. Those were the days when I discovered
I could talk to animals by transmitting mental pictures. All animals communicate telepathically.
But they are dying now. The Mad Cow Disease, created by the cannibalistic practices of money-grubbing
ranchers, has spread to the deer, the elk, the sheep, the fox and all of the animals of the forest. It has even spread to
the men, women and children who would feed upon the carcasses of these animals.
Small wonder that nature is fighting back. Not only has our weather turned against us, the animals
are starting to attack us. Look at all of the stories about sharks attacking swimmers, tigers and bears attacking villages,
dogs turning on people and even monkeys scratching and biting the people they come in contact with.
This is only the beginning of our troubles. The death throes of the planet have begun and we can only
expect them to intensify. Our next disasters will be shortages of food and water. Ironically, we also will experience a shortage
of oil, one of the fossil fuels causing all of this trouble. When resources run out, war is inevitable.
That is when humans turn back into animals in a Mad Max quest to beat their neighbors to whatever
food and water that can be found.
We have created hell. Expect it to arrive in your neighborhood soon.