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Flu Vaccine May Be More Dangerous Than The Virus

By James Donahue

Ever since it first emerged from pig farms in Mexico in the early spring, the “swine” or H1N1 influenza has been pegged by health officials as a possible pandemic about to sweep the world.

Indeed, the virus reportedly got off to an early and deadly start after a five year old boy in La Gloria, Mexico first contacted the disease. Within weeks the Mexican media was reporting a serious medical problem with 152 fatalities from flu-like symptoms and an estimated 2,000 people hospitalized.

Before we knew it, cases of the so-called swine flu were breaking out in neighboring California, and a few cases were reported in other places around the United States and even in nations around the world. The World Health Organization warned that the virus, officially called H1N1, had the potential of a global pandemic when and if the virus returned in the fall.

Some reports were warning that H1N1 had all of the earmarks and warning signs of the deadly 1918 pandemic. The rush was on to develop a vaccine to head off what some feared would be mass world-wide deaths.

Now it is autumn and H1N1 has returned with a vengeance. Well, sort of. The virus has swept the globe, it is spreading so rapidly that entire school districts and even some colleges have closed their doors due to absenteeism.

But this influenza, while coming on earlier than normal winter influenza strains, has not proven itself to be any more deadly to humans than other known strains. It is especially toxic to young children and pregnant women, but the overall death rate from complications . . . mostly pneumonia . . . has been unexpectedly low. Because of media hype, however, people are rushing to local hospitals when they come down with flu-like symptoms and there are long line-ups for influenza vaccine shots as they become available.

The problem has been that the H1N1 influenza is running its course before an adequate supply of vaccine has been developed and distributed . And from what we now are learning, this may be a very lucky break for people who otherwise would have blindly accepted this vaccine without questioning its safety.

In the rush to get enough vaccine manufactured, the pharmaceutical companies contracted with various laboratories, most of them in other parts of the world. Thus there have been a variety of methods used in making this vaccine. Both live and dead forms of the virus are being distributed. They are given through a nasal spray or a standard shot in the arm.

Some of the vaccines may contain various other chemical toxins that include ethylene glycol (antifreeze), formaldehyde, phenol (carbolic acid) and even antibiotics like Neomycin and streptomycin.

 At least two of the major manufacturers, Novartis and GlaxoSmithKline, have chosen to use a bazaar formula to make the vaccine they produce stretch farther. They are inserting something known as squalene-containing adjuvants.


Squalene is a a natural organic compound obtained from either shark liver oil or vegetable oils that can be safely swallowed and digested in the human body. But when mixed in a vaccine and injected into the blood stream, it enhances immune responses by causing the immune system to overreact to the organism the person is being vaccinated against.

Thus adding all of this poison to the vaccine apparently turbo-charges the dose, reducing the amount of vaccine needed and the number of doses given to each person. (It also means more profits for the pharmaceutical companies selling the vaccine) If you remember, early reports said people were going to need up to four shots to be safe from H1N1. Now it is being done with just one.

In spite of this, the World Health Organization insists that squalene is a safe substance that has been used in influenza vaccines given to over 22 million people since 1997 with no significant adverse reactions. WHO is insisting that the H1N1 vaccine is safe and is urging everyone to take it.

There have been problems with the vaccine, however. One report stated that when recently given to the medical staff of a hospital facility in Sweden, some 150 staff members were sickened, some of them hospitalized, and four people died.

Another report in the American Journal of Pathology noted that in laboratory tests, a single injection of squalene into rats triggered “chronic, immune-mediated joint specific inflammation,” or what we commonly call rheumatoid arthritis.

Other tests with mice induced lupus autoantibodies.

Blood tests conducted on thousands of Gulf War syndrome victims, following the 1991 Iraq War found antibody levels of squalene, suggesting that the adjuvant was administered to American soldiers before they went to Iraq and may have been linked to this mystery disease.

The source of the squalene adjuvant was traced to anthrax vaccines administered to both deployed and non-deployed troops during that period. The military denied the use of squalene in any of the injections received by forces. Tests recently developed to detect anti-squalene antibodies in the Gulf War Syndrome patients established a clear link to this toxic vaccine, however.

This is not the first time that the H1N1 virus has created hysteria among Americans. Many remember a similar pandemic scare in 1976 that started when several troops stationed at Fort Dix became sick and one soldier died. The flu quickly spread and a mass immunization program was launched. There was a high-speed production of the vaccine which later was linked to a paralyzing neuromuscular disorder known as Guillain-Barre syndrome. There were 1,098 cases of the syndrome, more than half of them directly linked to the vaccine.

Also just after the 1976 vaccination program began, four senior citizens died after receiving their injections. There was a public panic and many people refused to receive the vaccine. The deaths later were found to have been unrelated to the vaccine.