Even Organic Honey Is Probably Toxic
By James Donahue
Health conscious folks like to substitute honey for sugar or artificial sweeteners when baking. The
general thinking is that pure honey is a natural sweet ingredient that can be safely enjoyed without the problem of toxic
chemical additives.
But researchers have discovered an overlooked problem here. It seems that even on organic farms, and
when bee keepers are being ultra-careful to assure the purity of the honey their bees are producing, nobody can restrict the
bees from buzzing on over to the nearby farms where GMO crops are being grown.
Honey bees sometimes fly up to six miles from the hive in their search for nectar. And they are bringing
back significant amounts of glyphosates, the toxic chemical used in Monsanto’s Roundup weed killer. Samples taken of
honey from a variety of sources show the levels of glyphosate higher than government accepted levels for health safety.
A recent report by Kali Sinclair for Natural News noted that "five categories of food items were tested
from Philadelphia grocery stores: honey, corn and pancake syrup, soy milk, tofu and soy sauce. Sixty-two percent of the conventional
honeys and 45 percent of the organic honeys sampled had levels of glyphosates above the minimum established limits."
Glyphosate is linked to mostly gastrointestinal problems but other toxic issues are associated with
this chemical. Corrosive effects with mouth, throat and epigastric pain and dysphagia, renal and hepatic impairment, respiratory
distress, impaired consciousness, pulmonary edema, shock, and even renal failure are among the effects glyphosate can have
on the human body.
Researchers found that the levels of glyphosate are highest in honey produced in the United States.
It exists, but at much lower levels in countries that prohibit the agricultural use of Roundup weed killer.
As long as the U.S. allows Monsanto to produce and sell its Roundup brand of herbicide (other companies
also are using glyphosate in similar products) the honey and sweet syrups in our grocery stores are laced with enough of this
stuff to attack us all, especially the children. At present, there seems to be no way to be sure the honey we buy is really
Sinclair suggests shopping at local farmer’s markets for locally produced organic honey, and
talking to the bee keepers about this problem before choosing what we buy. If we choose to consume honey, do so in moderation.