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Losing Time
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Unexplained Slips Into The Past

By James Donahue

I have always been interested in the phenomenon of time. This appears to have been a human invention based on the movements of the sun, moon and stars. Thus we have the calendar that establishes days, months, and years, tells us when it is time to plant seed and harvest crops, and in more contemporary times, when to punch in for work.

During our years of dabbling with esoteric matters, and while subjecting our brains to more abstract ideas, my late wife Doris and I began to notice peculiar lapses in time that did not always fit our daily schedule. And we began to question whether time, like the reality of everything in our life, was part of a collective and complex matrix produced by millions of human brains all working in unison.
And sometimes . . . on rare occasions . . . people have found themselves spending a few strange moments observing events of the past, or perhaps even the future, before snapping back into the reality of the collective brain.

We offer here a collection of true stories involving real people who claim to have had such experiences.
Walking Into A Battleground

It was January 2 and an elderly Scottish woman named E. F. Smith was with friends celebrating the launch of the year 1950, the midway point through the Twentieth Century and the beginning of a new decade in the town of Brechin. After a few cocktails Smith left the party to drive home in the town of Letham, located under Dunnichen Hill. There had been a wet snow that night, the road was slippery and Smith’s car skidded into a ditch.

She was not hurt but the vehicle was helplessly stuck, so Smith decided she had no choice but to walk home. It was a long walk because Letham was still about eight miles away. As she approached the town around 2 a.m. Smith noticed some strange lights on the road ahead of her. When she got closer she realized she was looking at a number of shadowy figures all carrying fiery torches. Next she realized that there were bodies lying on the ground. The men with the torches were turning the bodies over. They were attempting to identify dead and lost comrades after a battle.

What had Smith seen? Research into the history of the area turned up the story of an ancient battle of Nechtansmere when forces under Ecgfrith, King of Northumbria, attacked the army of Picts, under Bridei, in the year 685. Ecgfrith’s army was defeated and the king was slain.

Flight Into The Future

Early in his career as a British pilot, Air-Marshal Sir Victor Goddard spoke of flying his biplane over an abandoned airfield in 1935 near Edinburgh. He said from the air it appeared to be a dilapidated place with cattle grazing on grass that had once served as an airfield.
When returning to his base, Goddard said he flew into a heavy rainstorm and became lost. He flew back to the old airfield to get his bearings. This time he found the place to be an active airfield with an ultra modern yellow aircraft he could not identify parked at the hanger. Mechanics in blue overalls were walking around. It had strangely turned into an active airfield.
Four years later, as war was now raging in Europe, Goddard flew over the same place once again. This time he said he found the airfield looking exactly like the vision he had in 1935 with mechanics in blue overalls working on yellow planes. It was as if Goddard had flown into a time warp in that 1935 flight and captured a glimpse of the future.

Lost Time On The Road

An unidentified man recently posted a personal account of a time in July, 2011, when he and his wife were traveling along Route 164 from Missouri to North Carolina and they drove into some kind of time warp. He said his wife, who was driving, announced that the gas gauge was reporting the tank was half full, that it was  about noon, and she thought it would be a good time to make a stop. He said he was watching road signs, looking for a gas station. He noticed a sign that said they were approaching a military base. At that moment he said both he and his wife experienced what he described as "a head rush." When they looked again, they had passed the military base, the gas gauge said the tank was almost empty. He estimated that about an hour had passed during that strange moment.

My wife and I had a similar experience one night when driving from Ubly to Bad Axe in Michigan's Huron County. It had just gotten dark and there appeared to be storm clouds in the air. We felt that sense of unease that often accompanies an electrical storm. As we drove the five mile-stretch on M-15 from Ubly north of Highway M-53 we found ourselves caught in what seemed to be an endless drive on a dark highway. There was no traffic. At some points we would reach the top of a hill and could see the yellow blinking light at the M-53 intersection far ahead. But we couldn't seem to get to the light. It was as if we drove for about an hour before we reached the end of that five-mile-long stretch of highway.

Stepping Into The Past

A person named Frank told a story about how he and his wife, Carol, were shopping in Liverpool. He said they split up, his wife going into Dillons Bookshop and he headed for a music shop to look for CDs. About then, Frank noticed a strange "oasis of quietness" surrounding him, and then was nearly struck by a 1950s styled van because he found himself standing in the middle of the street. He looked back at Dillons Book Store and saw the store was now called Cripps, and women's handbags and shoes were displayed in the window.
Frank said people were wearing clothes that were clearly out of date. He followed a young woman back into the Cripps store, in search of his wife. As they entered both he and the woman watched in amazement as the interior of the store changed back into Dillons Book Store. He said he asked the girl if she saw what he just saw. He said she answered: "Yeah. I thought it was a clothes shop but it's a bookshop."

Into Merry Old England

Glyn Jackson of London, England, tells of the day he was driving in heavy traffic on Regent Street in the central part of the city. Suddenly the vehicle hit a bumpy part of the road and he realized that he was driving on cobblestones. When he looked around he saw that the road he was driving on had disappeared. So had the traffic. He said the stores around him were replaced by small shops, and the people around him were dressed in Eighteenth Century clothes. Instead of cars, he said the people were riding in horse-drawn carriages and carts.
Jackson said he experienced a panic. He put his car in reverse and backed up. He noticed people staring at his vehicle was his engine roared to life. Suddenly the world around him changed back to contemporary times and he nearly collided with a vehicle that was directly behind him.