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Ancient Atomic Warfare?

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Melted Rock Fortresses And Green Glass In The Desert

By James Donahue

Among the many unexplained archaeological discoveries have been the existence of an estimated 200 ancient fortresses atop hills, mostly in Scotland but in other parts of Europe, where stones have been melted to form solid walls.

In some way connected to this mystery are the large sheets of green glass found lying in the desert sands in various parts of the world.

Both are products of extreme heat. The vitrification of silicate-based rocks like granite, and basalt requires temperatures ranging between 1,050 and 1235 degrees Celsius. That converts to 1,922 degrees to 2255 degrees Fahrenheit.

Since the age of these ruins is estimated to date back to at least the Iron Age or beyond, the possibility of the builders, or perhaps the forces attacking these forts and generating fires with enough heat to melt the rock walls becomes a problem.

Experiments in the 1930s by archaeologist V. Gordon Childe found that under certain circumstances, with enough fuel and wind to fan the flames, they could achieve some vitrification of a test rock wall. But the melt-down and formation of a solid wall of vitrified rock was not complete.

So how was this accomplished? Who went to the trouble of melting the rock walls of the forts? And why was it done? The heating of these structures was so extreme that all of the walls were vitrified. What armies possessed weapons that could produce that kind of heat in those mysterious ancient times?

While historians and archaeologists shy away from suggesting that atomic weaponry was used on Earth in the ancient past, this might be one of the few answers we might find to solving this riddle.

That, or an explosion of a large meteor such as the one that recently blew up over Russia, could have created enough heat to melt rocks and even vitrify desert sand into sheets of glass.

The New York Herald Tribune reported on February 16, 1947 that the first test of an atomic bomb over New Mexico turned sections of the desert sand into fused green glass. Similar sheets of this same kind of green glass have been discovered in various places around the world, including the ancient Euphrates Valley, Egypt, Libya and India.

The heat required to turn sand into glass is in excess of 3,200 degrees Fahrenheit.

It has been estimated that an aerial explosion of an atomic bomb can create heat exceeding 6,000 degrees at ground level, depending on the height of the bomb at the time it exploded.

At the core of the blast the temperature is calculated at 300,000 degrees Celsius.

The implications of this are staggering. The remains of vitrified stone forts are largely found in Scotland, but they also are in Ireland, Upper Lusatia, Bohemia, Silesia, Saxony, Thuringia, Brandenburg, Hungary and France.

This suggests that atomic warfare may have once occurred in these areas at some time in the very ancient past. Dare we think it was true? And if so, can it happen again?