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No Explaination
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Weird And Unexplained Stuff

By James Donahue

Anyone who has watched the film The Matrix may perhaps have an understanding of some of the ultra-strange goings on occurring in the world.

Indeed, there are some things like the odd humming sounds that are driving people crazy at certain points throughout the world, the peculiar things that fall from the sky, the strange creatures that are observed, and people who break out in flames.

Evidence that the world we live in may be no more than a collective matrix of the human mind appears to be easy to find.

For example a 3,000 year-old 10-inch tall statue of an Egyptian, removed from a mummy’s tomb and displayed at the Manchester Museum for 80 years, has recently started to spin slowly around within its glass case. The little statue appears to change its position in the case at various times of the day, but remains still during the night. Since it is sealed inside the case, museum curators are unable to explain its slow rotation.

The phenomenon attracted a television crew to the museum. Since the statue moves so slowly, often when no one is looking, time-lapse video was used in an attempt to discover the cause of the slow 180-degree rotation. The video clearly depicts the statue turning in the case, without any human help. But it does not explain what is causing it to rotate.

The piece, having been on display in the museum, in that same locked case for 80 years, has only recently started to turn in a counter-clockwise direction. Other Egyptian historical art pieces in the same case are not moving. Only two museum workers have keys. How do we explain this?

Another mystery has been baffling folks in the village of Belmez, Spain, since it was first revealed in 1971. It seems that a human face spontaneously appears on a concrete kitchen floor in the home of the late Maria Pereira. The phenomenon attracts thousands of visitors daily.

Pereira was spooked by the faces. She went so far as to paint over the floor, and once even destroyed the original floor and replaced it with fresh concrete. Each time a new face appears.

The faces in the floor change. Some are male, and sometimes they appear to be females. Research revealed that the house was built over an ancient graveyard once used by the Romans, Spanish Muslims and later Medieval Christians.

Theories range from trickery by Pereira's family (she died in 2004 but the faces are still appearing), to manifestation by telekinesis.

Then there is the horror story published by botanist Karl Leche in 1874 concerning a man-eating tree he encountered when exploring the wilds of Madagascar, an island off the east coast of Africa. Leche said the tree had a brown trunk shaped like an eight-foot-tall pineapple and hard as iron. From the top of the trunk hung eight giant leaves that were stiff and swinging around as if on hinges. The leaves joined at the top of the strange trunk where Leche said he found a white bowl-shaped part of the plant that was filled with a sweet smelling liquid. From the base of the bowl projected eight-foot-long hairy green tendrils that waved around like snakes.

Leche wrote that the native Mkodo tribe wanted to demonstrate the way the tree consumed living creatures and even humans. They forced a young woman to climb into the tree and drink some liquid from the bowl. She immediately fell into a stupor while the tendrils wrapped around her, squeezing the life out of her. Then the leaves wrapped around her body. Foul smelling juices began running down the trunk of the tree. The Mkodos drank this fluid, which was a narcotic that appeared to make the natives drunk.

This was Leche's published story. Was it true? We know of small plants that capture and consume insects. Can trees like the one encountered by Leche also exist on Earth?