Fourteen Methods Of Mind Control
By James Donahue
The manipulation of people to follow certain religious beliefs, accept certain political philosophies,
buy certain products or behave in socially acceptable ways has been going on for centuries. In perhaps the last century it
has become an art form skillfully used by the powers that want the masses to behave in ways beneficial to their interests.
Most people unwittingly go through life following a pattern of living carefully established for them.
Consequently there are few creative thoughts or ideas. People wear the clothes, hair styles and deodorant they are programmed
to wear. From the moment they turn on their television sets or turn on their car radios they are bombarded with advertisements
or political commentary designed to influence how they view their world and what they will purchase. They can't go many places
in this world without being slammed with some kind of promotional scheme.
There is a name for all of the techniques used to persuade people to behave the way they do. It is
called mind control. Liza Vassallo, who maintains a personal website filled with personal commentary and poetry, recently
listed what she titled Fourteen Different Methodologies of Mind Control. Her list:
1. Obfuscation: Basic confusion, a smoke and mirrors game.
2. World View Poisoning: Conditioning the way people view human nature and their own self-value.
3. Conditioning of Primal Fear: The exploitation of primal fears.
4. Divide and Conquer Strategy: Highlight perceived differences between people and exploit those differences
to create infighting so they are easy to control and conquer.
5. Indoctrination of Education System: A left brain form of Nazis called it mastery learning.
6. Controlled Opposition: Dialectical mechanics of Hegelianism Creating conflict. Create the conflict
and wait for a type of reaction then offer artifical conflict resolution.
7. Monetary System of Control: Debt based fiat currency fractional reserve banking a system of illusion
that we call money yet people believe in it like its a religion or god. It exists purely in the mind.
8. Control of Mass Media: If y ou can control the information that people get to see, hear and read,
you control their perception of reality.
9. Food and Medicine: Attack on the physical aspects of the body relate to how our brain development
goes. Using techniques damaging to consciousness through modern medicine and the food we eat.
10. Illusion of Time: Play on people's seeming inability to live in true present moment awareness.
Get people to live in regret over the past or anxiety over the future. This is a fear-based technique.
11. The DHR Factor: This is Denial, Hassle and Ridicule. People are unwilling to seek change for fear
of these three responses. It is a fear-based technique and traps people into inactivity when action is needed to make things
12. Religion: The oldest and most effective method of mind control. It is mind control based on astro-theology.
Believers are given an exoteric version of something that was once esoteric or internal. It works by binding the right brain.
13. Subversive Symbolism: Based on ancient sacred symbols used in government buildings, money, corporate
sigils, promotional signs and documents. The symbols are proven to have a powerful psychic influence. It is a wordless form
of communication that connects to the subconscious mind.
14. Chaos Sorcery: This involves the false flag form of terrorism. A chaotic situation is created
that causes a reaction of fear. Then the reaction involves an emotional acceptance of the solution. The 9-11 attack and the
public and government response to it is a perfect example.
Vassallo's list touches on an interesting list of the ways governments, corporations and world power
figures manipulate the masses into lives of slavery and submission. This is an introduction to a series of in-depth examinations
into each of the techniques on this list and the various ways they affect our lives.