Warehouse B
Public Challenge
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Bush Would Be No Match For The Persian Mind


By James Donahue

Aug. 29, 2006


Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is displaying the genius of the Persian mind as he stands in defiance to efforts by U.S. President George W. Bush, England’s Prime Minister Tony Blair, and the other leaders of the Western and Asian alliance to force Iran to shut down its nuclear program.


Not only is Ahmadinejad standing his ground against the United Nation’s order to suspend uranium enrichment, he challenged President Bush Tuesday to an open televised debate in front of the whole world.


There is no word as of this writing from the Bush camp as to what the president will do about such a challenge. If he follows the course he used when Ahmadinejad delivered an 18-page “love” letter offering to open dialogue with Washington, the challenge will be ignored.


In a sense that will be a tragic response, based on the ignorance of the Western mind.


Anyone that listened to the recent Mike Wallace interview with Ahmadinejad for the television news show 60 Minutes, and carefully studied what the Iranian President had to say, may have captured a glimpse of the Persian mind. This man, with his piercing eyes and disarming smile, has reached out to George W. Bush with a call for us all to love one another.


He is talking about unconditional love . . . not the conditional kind that we practice in the United States.


Those of you who listen regularly to the Sunday night lectures by Prophet and Psychic Aaron C. Donahue understand that there is a critical difference in these two kinds of love. Conditional love is not really love. It is merely a promise that you get a reward of friendship if you do the right thing. Failure to meet certain demands will bring hatred or worse.


Unconditional love is a commitment to love you no matter what you do, or how bad you behave.


Ahmadinejad insists that his engineers and scientists are developing nuclear technology for peaceful purposes. Even though Iran is an oil rich nation, he reminds us that the world’s supply of oil has its limits and there is a growing global need to find and develop alternative energy sources.


He argues . . . and with some justification . . . that Iran has the same right as any other nation to develop and build nuclear powered plants for peaceful purposes. That we would worry about his use of the by-product of running a nuclear powered electric plant for bomb development also is a concern. But if Iran wishes to be a world power, as Israel, France, England, Russia, China, Pakistan and India are today, why should they be denied the right to join the nuclear community?


How can the United States, or even the United Nations, claim the right to stop Iran from developing such a weapon?


With all of these thoughts on the plate, imagine how good ole’ country boy George W. Bush would fare if he accepted a public television debate against President Ahmadinejad. Bush hardly held his own in the televised debates against Democratic Presidential contender Al Gore. And if you watched the Wallace interview, he had a tough time controlling the quick side-steps and mental twists utilized by the Persian leader.


While he is a popular president and the choice of about half of the Americans to hold the position of their leader, we believe Mr. Bush lacks the kind of metal needed to stand up against a mind like that of Ahmadinejad.


Such a debate would be so one-sided, it is clear that Mr. Bush would be wise to avoid such a mental confrontation at all cost. And there lies the tragedy.


The invitation for the debate and the letter that preceded it, are clear attempts by Ahmadinejad to open dialogue with the West. If we ever wish to resolve this problem of terrorism and bigotry that is building between the Christian and Moslem world, there never would be a better time to accept such an invitation. It is due time that Washington takes a moment off from its war planning to just talk and get to know the mind of the so-called “enemy.”


If he were to do it, Mr. Bush and the world might just find that people in Iraq and Iran are just like us. They want to avoid war, bloodshed and all of the terror that goes with it just as much as we do.