Warehouse B
A Vast Empty
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Could A Black Hole Be Exactly What It Looks Like - Nothing?

By James Donahue

There has been a lot of speculation among astrologers and noted physicists as to what black holes are, and what is going on inside them.

Ever since Albert Einstein developed his theory of relativity, describing gravity as a curvature of spacetime caused by the presence of matter, scientists began to first speculate on the existence of black holes. They first theorized that such things would be dense masses of matter that would have a gravitational pull so strong that nothing . . . not even light . . . can escape their grip.

After mentally creating the concept of a black hole it was not long before astronomers began to not only find such things . . . based on the absence of light in specific areas of space . . . but also noting that a powerful gravitational pulling in the area was having an effect on nearby stars. Noted Physicist Stephen Hawking has devoted much of his life examining and theorizing the presence of black holes, why they exist, and what is going on inside them.

It is interesting to note that Einstein vigorously denied the reality of black holes. He described the blank areas of space in terms of a "mathematical curiosity."

Hawking, one of the greatest scientific minds in the field, calculated in 1976 that once a black hole forms, it starts losing mass by radiating energy. His theory, however, created a paradox since he also said that the information from a black hole is lost as it evaporates. And this conflicts with the laws of quantum physics, which say that the universe is an information system and thus, information can never be lost.

So what is going on out there in our universe? As astronomers develop more powerful tools to view farther and farther out into space, they are discovering evidence of more black holes.

Much to their surprise, a black hole was recently discovered that was so massive it appears to be the edge of everything. It was described as one billion light years wide, or six billion trillion miles of emptiness.

The other surprise is that this massive empty void of space is closer to us than we might want to think. It is between five to ten billion light years away . . . very close when compared to the total size of the known universe. And since black holes are believed to have a gravitational pull that draws nearby stars and solar systems . . . and in this case possibly even galaxies . . . into them, is it a threat to our own solar system?

Another troublesome problem rears its ugly head when we look at this colossal-sized black hole. Since we have been looking into space for hundreds of years, and talking about the probable existence of black holes for at least a half a century, why haven't astronomers found this vast hole of nothingness before now?

Yet another issue to be raised . . . why is it that black holes were not found until someone developed a theory that determined that such things should exist?

We suggest that the Prophet Aaron C. Donahue is correct when he says that our world and the universe in which we live is not reality, but rather the creation of our mind. We are living in a matrix type of existence. Thus when we thought up the concept of black holes, we began to find them.

That things are beginning to go awry of late . . . our solar system and our planet is heating, the world's ecology and weather system is becoming unstable, people are behaving irrationally, we are experiencing odd warps in time and massive portions of our universe are going black . . . is an indication that something is very wrong.

Is the universe that we created unraveling before our eyes? And if so, what is causing this? Television news commentator Keith Olbermann recently hosted an author who suggested in his latest book that we may be living in a computer matrix that is beginning to break down.

Olbermann joked about the probability that our existence hinges on a child playing with a computer game, and that the odd things that happen to us are caused by the whims of the operator.

If he is correct, we might worry that when this child (God) tires of the game, he may either erase us . . . or turn off his computer.