Something Is Wrong - Girlie Men Are Everywhere!
By James Donahue
A recent report in a London newspaper noted that surgeons are reporting a sharp
rise in the number of men requesting breast-reduction operations. And there seems to be a mystery, at least among the doctors,
as to its cause.
Doctors say they have noticed a doubling in the number of these operations in
the past year. They say the male breasts examined are similar in structure to those of women and they are not just fat deposits
caused by overeating.
The story promoted a theory by local physicians that this condition, called gynecomastia,
is being caused by traces of the female contraceptive pill getting in the drinking water and meat. Hormones are used on farms
to promote the growth of animals that are slaughtered for food.
The doctors are on the right track when they look for hormonal imbalance. But
the cause of the problem is not what they think it is. The answer is right under their noses . . . in fact it is getting in
their noses and lungs and everybody else’s noses with every breath they take, and in their bodies with every drink they
The culprit is xenoestrogens now polluting our environment by such a broad scale
no human or animal can escape it.
The word xeno means foreign. So xenoestrogen means a foreign, or synthetic form
of hormone estrogen. A study has shown at the 100,000 registered chemicals used in the world at this time have hormonal as
well as toxic and carcinogenic effects on people who come in contact with them. Plastics are among the worst offenders.
We consume xenoestrogens every time we drink from a plastic cup, pour water or
milk or juice from a plastic or plastic lined cardboard container, eat food wrapped in plastic, and eat from dishes and spoons
made of plastic. Our canned processed foods are placed in plastic lined cans. Hospital IV bags, plastic water pipes, weed
killers, detergents, food preservatives, skin care lotions, shampoos and a fantastic variety of other things that we use every
day are putting these synthetic female hormones in our bodies.
This is why men are growing breasts. This is why we are hearing so many ads for
pills that resolve “male erectile disfunction,” a problem rarely heard of in years past.
The plastics industry, which is growing all over the world as natural substances
like trees, steel and rubber fail to meet world demands for building materials, is literally spewing this substance into our
atmosphere through smokestacks. Xenoestrogens consequently float in tiny minute particles in the very air we breathe. The
stuff is found in the water and the air everywhere in the world, even at the North Pole. We can’t escape it.
This stuff is really bad for us. It upsets the normal hormone balance in men,
women, children and even animals. It robs the male sex drive, stimulates male breast development and is linked to female breast
cancer. When injected into male animals it literally causes chemical castration.
The doctors in London are partly correct when they blame traces of female birth
control pills that get in the water. These pills now used by women all over the world contain a synthetic form of estrogen
that also classifies as a xenoestrogen. So does diethylstilbestrol, a chemical used by farmers to help livestock grow and
fatten up faster for slaughter.
What can we do about this problem? Because of the way we live today, especially
in “developed” nations, there seems to be no way of escaping this chemical assault on our bodies.
We can try to avoid contact with plastics as much as possible, but that is almost
impossible. Even some of our clothes are made from plastic fibers. It is in our carpeting, in our homes disguised as wood
and other building products, and even is mixed in our paints.
And now it is always in the air we breathe and the water we drink.
We may have to get used to seeing men with breasts who can no longer have penal
erections and women without breasts because cancer forced their surgical removal. That we may all be losing our fertility
is not going to be a problem because the world is so overpopulated we do not need more people. That has been our problem all
This is just one of the many horrors we must face as we rush headlong into the
self-induced extinction of the human race.