Warehouse B
Kucinich Recount
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Are Even The Primary Elections Rigged?


By James Donahue


Columnists and the media talking heads are having a big todo about the “failure” of professional pollsters to capture the real mood of New Hampshire voters in last week’s presidential primary.


That Hillary Clinton came out on top, against all expectations based on pre-election polling, caught many by surprise. It also indicates what we suspect is an ongoing and manufactured media contest between the black and female candidate, billed as “frontrunners” among a line of Democratic candidates for the past year. The smoke screen has been an effective way of keeping viable party candidates in the shadows, and setting the Republicans up for yet another victory in 2008.


That Democratic presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich, and Republican Albert Howard are seeking recounts of the New Hampshire primary election returns is not surprising, based on evidence of “anomalies” uncovered by activist group, Election Defense Alliance. What is surprising is that the media appears to be ignoring the recount requests, and the possible accusation of voter fraud.


While the implication is that the Clintons possessed the clout to “steal” that election, we suggest that if it was done, the guilt runs much deeper. We believe the same power structure that financed Bill Clinton’s victory in the 1990s, and gave George W. Bush the office since 2001, may be at it again, carefully rigging early primary elections to sway the scales toward the person already chosen to succeed Mr. Bush.


In other words, the elections in America may have become relatively meaningless. It is all a lot of hoopla and horn blowing, and expenditure of great fortunes in campaign advertising and speech making, just for the show. In the end, the chosen candidate will capture the electoral votes to win the job. And as it was in 2000 and 2004, the general public will be left wondering how it all happened.


The Kucinich/Howard vote recount will help establish a paper trail that will determine if erroneous vote counting occurred, and if there was fraud. If fraud is proven, it might be a good thing to expose it early in the electoral process so that Americans get a chance to really elect their president this time around.


If fraud cannot be proven, it will not mean that rigged voting will not occur elsewhere. The process is complex and continues for almost a solid year, so exposing the crooks will be difficult if not impossible. In some states, like South Carolina, for example, all of the voting is on paperless electronic machines, thus preventing any chance for a recount. Can the machines be rigged? Some say they surely can.