Do We All Perceive The World The Same?
By James Donahue
Everybody with two eyes and a normal brain appears to have an ability to perceive the world in three
dimensions, and gauge the distance between themselves and another person or object. Or so we believe.
Everybody sees colors and we all believe that the color we observe is observed the same way by everybody
around us. Thus a rose is a rose is a rose. But is the rose red?
There is a radical new matrix concept, propositioned by science fiction and screen writers and supported
by Prophet Aaron C. Donahue, that suggests we may all be living in a make-believe universe created by our minds and that everything
we see, touch, smell and hear is a fabrication of our imagination.
If this is true, then can reality be the same for everybody? Is it possible that everybody exists
on a different mental plane and that we all see something unique within our own minds when we observe the same object,
or look at one another? Thus a red rose for one person might appear as a black or possibly green rose to someone else, although we
all have been mentally trained to perceive that color as red.
Donahue suggests that we mentally create everything around us, and that everything may be nothing
more than an illusion, a projection from our mind, or perhaps a master computer program that has created even the illusion
of ourselves. And if this is true, he argues, then we really have no concept of distance even though our eyes and our brains
tell us differently.
There is yet another concept involved in this complex mixture of thoughts about personal perception.
That is that the brain is not the mind. That the brain is a complex system of nerves and electronic links that makes the body
work and receives a variety of signals from the "world" around us that make us aware of where we are and with whom we are
associating, the mind . . . or that personal thing that some call the soul, or the personality that inhabits this body, is
not necessarily stationed in the brain.
We can say this because of an interesting phenomenon occurring in recent years due to an advancement
in medical science. Since doctors have been successfully performing transplants of human organs from person to person, the
recipients of these organs have experienced an invasion of new cellular memory. For example an organ recipient who once enjoyed
contemporary rock and rap music might discover a new interest in Wagner, or Beethoven, and other classics. Not only this,
but there might also be memories of past events associated with the person from whom the organ was received.
This strongly supports the theory that humans are part of a vast universal communication system, and
that the cells within our body . . . that complex structure of DNA . . . are actively "talking" to one another, recording
and storing all that we see, hear and learn in a universal library once dubbed by Karl Jung as a collective unconsciousness.
We call it "collective" because it appears that we all have the mental capability of tapping into
this great warehouse of information. Few of us develop our mental powers to do this at will. But when we surgically place
other people's cells in our bodies, those cells start talking to our own, and passing information that quickly gets added
to our memory of personal experiences and storage of learned data. Thus we have a forced proof of the workings of a collective
Krishna Shenoy, of Stanford University, once suggested that the brain seems to create an internal
model of a physical world, then, like some super-sophisticated neural joystick, traces intended movements into this model."
Thus we not only see the world that we have created in our minds, but we create the ability to interact with it, making our
muscles respond to events going on around us.
Shenoy said there appears to be some kind of code not yet understood by science. "Whatever that code
is, its not about size. Even a cat's brain can modify the most complicated motions while executing them," she said.
This sharing of information is going on everywhere, not just in humans. There is a universal connection
that can be found in the way microbial life forms communicate, to a vast communication network occurring among planets, stars
and galaxies. Some say this network is all part of the great creative force that we call God.