Do Portals To The Spirit Realm Exist?
By James Donahue
The word portal means a large gate or entrance to something. In the occult world
we think of a portal as an entrance or opening between the limited third-dimensional world of our human existence, and a secret
spiritual realm hidden from our daily view by a veil, or inability to see.
Human spirituality involves following a path, or choosing a way of life and mediation
so that we can not only find this gate, but pass through it and learn the secrets beyond.
In ancient times and even within aboriginal tribes still existing today, people
depended on shaman, medicine men or wizards to lead them through the portal. These miracle workers simply use various hallucinogenic
plants of the earth to switch on the right side of the bicameral brain and temporarily open the third eye. When this happens,
people have visions of the other side.
Unfortunately, when the effects of the drug wear off, the user is thrust back
into the old world once more, bound by the rules of three-dimensional reality, clocks, sound and gravity. But there is always
that nagging memory of something wonderful, something comfortable on the other side. It is a memory of who we really are.
It is a memory of where we came from before we arrived on this planet and were confined to these earth-bound bodies.
If we had remained on that original path, following the trail of shamanism and
Gnosticism, human evolution might have proceeded on target. But some form of spiritual intervention occurred. We were introduced
to the concept of external gods and materialism and eventually we forgot about the light within.
Even the religions possess books filled with references to the spiritual realm
around us, and suggest that a gate between our world and that one exists. The Bible, however, is filled with warnings that
“believers” are not to communicate with spirits because they represent Satanic forces attempting to lure us into
an evil web of wickedness and the loss of our soul.
The scriptures also speak of the angelic realm, and make it clear that we are
under the daily guidance of the angels who are portrayed to us as something good . . . a gift from God to help us through
our daily lives..
Based on these scriptures we can put forth the argument, supported even by the
Hebrew/Christian book of half truths, that an intelligent, functioning and dynamic system of life exists beyond or behind
mythology. We also can argue that these beings can enter our world, either at their choosing or by our invitation, through
some kind of gateway.
We may then assume that if such a portal exists from their world to ours, it may
also be assessable from our world to theirs. The question then: how do we do it?
Ironically the tools for getting there exist all around us, and right at our feet.
But because of the evil influence that has infiltrated our government and directed the writing of our laws, humans have foolishly
made it illegal and punishable by imprisonment for using these tools.
I am talking about the natural elements of the Earth, marijuana, cocoa, the poppy,
peyote, and a variety of other lesser known fungi and grasses that contain elements designed to kick the brain into fast track
and open that third eye.
Why would so many natural plants exist on the Earth? Some say they were placed
here to help us evolve. However they got here, alien forces who have carefully integrated our minds and blocked our mental
and spiritual evolution for over 3,000 years, have made darned sure we use these drugs at our own risk.
Prisons in the United States are currently filled to capacity, mostly by people
involved in the production and sale of these drugs for personal financial gain. There has been a demand for the drugs, not
so much for spiritual reasons but because they make the users temporarily feel good in the midst of a dark and foreboding
world. That this “good” feeling might in some way be connected to a few quick glimpses of our spiritual roots
does not seem to occur to the masses.
So if governments forbid us to use the natural tools for our evolution there is
a need for humanity to turn away from old religions and seek new spiritual pathways, complete with music and other ways to
experience the joy of personal discovery.
We do not need artificial tools to evolve to be the gods we were designed to be.
Collectively it is not only possible but necessary for us all to fall into the rapture of the real music of the heavens and
find the portal we have always subconsciously known has always existed. It lies right before us. All that is needed is for
us to open that third eye and look.
Once the veil is lifted, we will experience a sublime existence. The gate will
be swung wide open.