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Is Iranian Crisis A Manufactured
Prelude To War? By James Donahue Jan. 30, 2006 This movement by the
United States to press the issue of Iran’s unwillingness to stop building a nuclear powered electric generating plant
is a farce. The concern, according
to the Bush Administration and his cronies, is that The Russian
proposal to allow But United
States Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has continued to press for the International Atomic Energy Agency to refer the
matter to the UN Security Council and that has angered Ahmadinejad. What Rice wants is sanctions brought against that Middle
Eastern oil producing nation. Consequently,
One story
in a So if Iran
is willing to cooperate with Russia and expose its uranium enrichment process for all to see, why is the United States pressing
to punish that Middle Eastern country anyway? There is
something more heinous going on here and we think it has a lot to do with gods and oil. Both President Bush and President
Ahmadinejad are members of fundamental extremist religious groups that believe a savior of the world will return, but only
after the world embarks on a global war. Are they collectively taking matters into their own hands and leading us to war? Or is it
simply that Mr. Bush and company want to maintain constant instability in the Middle East in an effort by the Whatever
is going on, it appears to be a dangerous and very deadly game of chicken that promises a future of shed blood, possibly a
global nuclear war, and in the end, a quick and final eradication of mankind before we have had a chance to gain spiritual
control of the path we were all meant to follow. |