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Conflict Over Trusting
In God? By James Donahue Nov. 19, 2005 Michael Newdow, a declared
atheist known for his court battles to remove reference to God from the Pledge of Allegiance, has now carried his crusade
on to the printing of our money. Newdow says he is offended
by the words “In God We Trust” as they appear on money as well as on the walls of many government buildings. He filed suit against
the declaration of trusting in God this week in U. S. District Court in “We are the nation
that gave to the world the establishment that government should not endorse religion and everybody should be what they want,”
Newdow said. He said the motto “In
God We Trust” contradicts that tradition. Legal analysts say they
don’t think Newdow’s newest case will get far in the courts. The sense is that an expression like this one has
been around for 200 years and is such a casual religious reference that most people don’t associate it as being religious.
From a Luciferian perspective,
we have no problem with the motto. While we do not believe in a spiritual grandfather type god figure in the sky, we do not
write off the sense of an existence of a super intelligence. As part of a universal communication system extending beyond
our capability of comprehension, we recognize the existence of a soul, or the light of the god within ourselves. For us it is the light
of Lucifer that burns within us, although we do not worship Lucifer as a god. From this perspective,
however, we believe that each individual creates his or her own universe and has the power within to change it by mere thought.
Thus we control our own fate. Collectively, we can alter the environment in which we exist, and magickly change the course
that the world is moving in. Thus we can honestly
say that we trust in ourselves. And if we believe that the god can be found within each of us, it is correct to use the phrase
“In God We Trust.” Remember that this motto
was drafted by men who were Free Masons. The Masons were and still are Luciferians. That has been the big secret within higher
levels of the Masonic Lodge. The streets of So why would the Masons
print the words “In God We Trust” on our money? It is because they know
the god is found within each man and woman. And it was, for them, an open proclamation that we are trusting in ourselves. |