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Christian Right Missing
Biblical Command For Earth Stewardship By James Donahue November 2005 In his rush to dismantle
US environmental laws and allow big industry to exploit and pollute the planet unchecked, Bible thumping President George
W. Bush clearly illustrates his ignorance when it comes to the contents of the book he flaunts. While this writer in
no way condones Christianity, he knows what is in the Bible. It contains a commandment by God in Genesis 2:15 to “dress
and keep” the garden, which was the Earth as it originally existed. Some Christian environmental
groups are well aware of the commandment to be good stewards of the Earth, and they share our concerns about the reckless
way the Bush Administration is turning its back on this key part of man’s covenant. The Bible teaches that
the covenant was between man and an external God-creator looking down from the clouds. As Luciferians, however, we understand
the covenant to be an order by our forgotten father, Lucifer, to care for the great Mother Earth from where we came and from
whom we receive our daily sustenance for life. The Christians may argue
against the Luciferian concept until dooms day, but the fact remains that from their own “holy” book, they also
are bound by the same covenant and they failed to keep it. Consequently, dooms day may be closer than anyone wishes to think. It is interesting to
note that even Christians are beginning to see that something is radically wrong with the extreme right wing cult that appears
to have taken over The National Association
of Evangelicals, an organization of 45,000 churches representing an estimated 30 million members, is circulating a draft of
a policy statement that will urge lawmakers to reinstate laws placing mandatory controls of carbon emissions on industry.
Since taking office five
years ago, Mr. Bush has systematically scrapped these controls, either through executive order or by encouraging legislative
action. He has used natural disasters like Gulf hurricane damage to push urgent bills through the two houses designed to help
oil and gas companies repair their plants and get the carbon-based fuels flowing again at maximum speed. Bush also has turned
his back on the international Kyoto Agreement, forged in By his actions, and the
actions of the elected legislators who are following Bush in lock step, there seems to be a total ignorance in “We believe that
we have a rightful responsibility for what the Bible itself challenges,” said Richard Cizik, the association’s
vice president for governmental affairs. “Working the land and caring for it go hand in hand. We ought to be able to
bring to the debate a new voice.” |