The Mind of James Donahue Daggers In The Name Of God |
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By James Donahue Oct. 11, 2005 The deadly 7.6 magnitude
earthquake that destroyed entire towns along the borders of northern Few people are thinking
about war while survivors and relief workers rush to the scene to bring aid, rescue the trapped and search for bodies. The
death count has risen to an estimated 35,000 and is expected to go much higher before the clean-up is completed. Notice that nightly news
pictures show a lot of uniformed soldiers in both The soldiers are not
there by accident. They have long been stationed at that border, watching like sentinels across the This beautiful picturesque
country is currently declared a Both nations possess
nuclear weapons and are headed by leaders who, until now, have demonstrated enough sense not to use them. This has probably
been the reason open warfare over While The problem is ugly.
It is called religion. Buddhism, Hinduism and Islamic belief systems all rub shoulders in this place. It is said they all
lived somewhat peacefully until Islamic fundamentalism spread its deadly fingers into the territory. This theo-fascist band
of Moslems practice intolerance for “infidels,” or those who disagree with their personal radical belief system.
Thus, as occurs when religious fervor occurs anywhere in the world, we have conflict that often turns deadly. The picture just prior
to the deadly earthquake was this. The quake, however, has
made some radical changes. With the epicenter in the heart of While If this happens, and
based on the long history of the region there is no reason not to expect it, then Remember that both Psychic Aaron C. Donahue
says he sees is a serious threat of nuclear war looming in this region, largely because of this earthquake. And the Watch what happens in
this region during the next few weeks. |