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Will Bush Order An Attack
On By James Donahue Aug. 15, 2005 A Reuters News story
said President George W. Bush warned on Israeli television Saturday that he would consider force if Iran does not give
up its nuclear program. “All options are
on the table,” Bush said during the broadcast from his ranch in That statement alone
is a chilling reminder of what he said only hours before Mr. Bush and the German Chancellor Gerhard
Schroeder remembered that Bush statement Sunday when he warned the If there are two things
we know about this issue they are these: Thus it is highly likely
that And that would be an
even bigger mistake than Bush made when he decided to order the invasion of Not only are American
forces overtaxed and battle worn from facing what has turned out to be fierce guerilla retaliation throughout Iraq, there
is a growing sentiment at home against this war that is being fought without just cause. Our reason for going in there was
that we were told Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein was harboring weapons of mass destruction. We later learned that was not true. The Iranian development
of a nuclear power plant, with the help of Russian specialists, has all of the appearances of being an above board project,
except for two factors. This is why the Bush
Administration is highly suspicious of Iranian intentions. If any nation in the Middle East is in a position to be harboring
weapons of mass destruction, other than Yet Could the fact that Jewish
faith Israel, a clear opponent of Moslem faith Iran, harbors nuclear weapons, also be a factor in Iran’s rush to develop
nuclear weaponry? Would the purpose of such weaponry be for self-defense purposes rather than military aggression? The fact that Should Mr. Bush decide
to do the unthinkable and order an attack on Ironically, it isn’t
the people of |