The Mind of James Donahue Kangaroo Court |
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Deck Clearly Stacked
Against Saddam Hussein By James Donahue Aug. 3, 2005 When psychic Aaron C.
Donahue predicted last month that the fate of former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein would be known by Aug. 8, it seemed as
if he was rushing this particular prophecy. As an experienced news
reporter and after years of watching the courts, I understood that the new Iraqi court system wasn’t working this particular
case through fast enough to meet that particular deadline. But this week something
happened in that courtroom that made me realize just how stacked the deck is against Hussein. Khalil al-Dulaimi, one
of the lawyers defending Saddam, charged that during an appearance in court last week an unidentified man stepped from
among a number of onlookers and physically assaulted Saddam while the judge and court security officers watched. Al-Dulaimi said
the attack was severe enough that there was an exchange of blows between Saddam and his assailant. The event occurred in a
formal court. Apparently the judge or other court officials did nothing to stop what was happening. The Iraqi government
and the Iraqi Special Tribunal has since taken the official stand that such an attack never occurred. The lawyers are demanding
an apology from the tribunal and the court. They also are insisting that the tribunal guarantees the safety of Saddam and
the other former regime figures scheduled for trial later this year, and that the attacker is charged and punished. Al-Dulaimi said the team
of defense lawyers is refusing to attend any further court proceedings until the demands are met. If what they are saying
is true, and if they refuse to act to defend Hussein in what is clearly turning out to be a kangaroo court operated by a puppet
government established by the There will be a mock
trial for Saddam and the other former leaders of That US and
UK troops invaded Hussein's country and he ordered his army to shoot back apparently has no weight in this particular
court. The former dictator also is being tried for alleged crimes against the people during his time in office. Donahue says he believes
Saddam is Mabus, the prophetic person that appears in a disturbing quatrain penned in the Sixteenth Century by the French
prophet Nostradamus. That passage warns that
after Mabus dies, there will be terrible undoing of people and animals. Donahue said Nostradamus
was a physician and used the term “undoing” to describe a plague that sweeps the world, killing both people and
animals. He said on his radio
show last week that further research has indicated that this event also was foretold by the prophet that wrote the Ninth Chapter
of the Book of the Revelation. That chapter tells of
the opening of the Sixth Seal, the release of the four angels on horses belching smoke, fire and sulfur. From their breath
plagues sweep the world, killing a third of all humans. |