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War Death Toll Passes
2000 By James Donahue July 28, 2005 If you have been watching
the counter at the upper right corner of this site you know that the official number of American soldiers killed in action
in our two “wars on terror” in As of noon today, the
count was at 2002, with 1,788 lost in This is a tragic figure.
I remember the heartaches associated with the death notices to families during the The effect of a young
man or woman’s tragic death in war on his or her family is beyond description. I sensed their agony, even though I never
personally experienced such a loss. The tragedy is that none
of these young people had to die in battle. There never was a need to fight on foreign soil to keep the homeland safe from
terrorists. That we have done so is only promising to bring terrorism home to our cities for sure. The attack on our country
on 911 was a result of our misdeeds behind the scene throughout the Our interest in that
area of the world has always been oil. It remains oil even to this day. We battle for control of two countries where puppet
governments will help give us control of the rich oil reserves in the ground there. That we are thinking of pointing our guns
at This is what our children
are over there fighting, dying and getting maimed for. We are fighting for dwindling reserves of the oil This must change. We cannot continue to
see business as usual in the We do this at the expense
of the rest of the world. We do this at the expense
of the Mother Earth and the future of our children. We do this at the risk
of human extinction and the loss of our soul. This is why it all most
come to a crashing halt. Our children should not be dying for such a heinous cause. If the old ones in |