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Rumsfeld’s Singapore
Remarks Troublesome By James Donahue May 7, 2005 Defense Secretary Donald
H. Rumsfeld last week faced off against Chinese representatives at a regional security conference in As if flexing the military
muscle of the According to the Associated
Press Rumsfeld told the conference that “I just look at
the significant rollout of ballistic missiles opposite According to the AP,
Rumsfeld said the Pentagon’s annual assessment of He said that Rumsfeld’s remarks
were challenged by Cui Tiankai, director of the Asia bureau of The story said that during
a question and answer period following the speech, Cui asked: “Do you truly believe that To this Rumsfeld answered
that he does not think any country threatens Cui later told the Associated
Press that he disagreed with Rumsfeld. He said he thought The tension between Chinese
and The Psychic
Aaron C. Donahue warns that this tiny, almost unnoticed problem on the other side of the world, and almost totally ignored
by the American media, is so serious it will eventually trigger a world war between China and the U.S. Donahue
also warns that if we get into a war with China, it will escalate into a nuclear conflict, and that in the end, China will
win. Rumsfeld
made his remarks during a conference organized by the International Institute of Strategic Studies, a private London-based
organization. |