The Mind of James Donahue Iran Invasion Next? |
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The By James Donahue April 2005 It has been said that
President George W. Bush doesn’t read newspapers. I have to wonder if he reads at all . . . and if he has ever studied
world history. If he hasn’t, I
would hope that the president’s advisors will take a quick refresher course and update Mr. Bush on a few important facts
about past world leaders who thought their armies were invincible. Their names include Napoleon, Adolph Hitler and Alexander
the Great, among others. Bush and his military
advisors are acting as if they think the We are sure Secretary
of State Condoleezza Rice left Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov somewhat aghast last
week when she openly proposed that the It seems more and more
clear to us that the Bush Administration also plans to expand We thought it preposterous
in February when former UNSCOM weapons inspector Scott Ritter warned us that Bush had plans to bomb People in military circles
know that You might think all of
this is a coincidence . . . but there is no such thing as coincidence. There is always a political, financial and military
reason for everything the Amid the backdrop of
all the rhetoric about And CounterPunch recently
quoted Gen. Wesley Clark, a senior “We’re not
that good at fighting terrorists, so we’re going after states: He noted that Any nitwit can figure
out that the U. S. wants control of the Thus our Armageddon President
is pushing us into a conflict that he apparently thinks will be a win/win situation for the Christians. If If it turns into this,
Bush believes Jesus will come down out of the sky, rapture all of the saints home to Heaven, and everything is peachy fine.
If this is not Armageddon, then he believes the What our president’s
belief system doesn’t allow him to consider is that the Christian rapture story is a hoax and it isn’t going to
happen. Secondly, the That is where our attention
should have been all along. |