Warehouse B
Something Coming
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Doomsday Soothsayers Bearing The Wrong Message


By James Donahue

May 5, 2006


Yet another asteroid, this time a granddaddy of all space rocks, has been discovered racing into our solar system and on a possible collision course with Earth.


And the doomsday prophets are thinking that this flying bolder, measuring about 800 meters wide, may be the thing that destroys the world as we know it. Its earliest fly-by is June 21, 2008. If it misses us, the rock, code named 2006 HZ51, gets another crack at it in 2036. And it continues to circle in a wide trajectory that keeps bringing it within range of our planet at regular intervals thereafter.


So how much of a danger is 2006 HZ51? Astronomers who study such things say the odds of impact now stand at one in six million, which makes it quite low. But that one chance lingers as a probable doomsday scenario that some folks can’t ignore.


The asteroid watchers have identified another big rock, this one named 99942 Apophis, as yet another possible disaster in the year 2029, or in 2036. It is an even larger rock measuring 390 meters wide. Careful mathematics has shown that this rock will miss the Earth in 2029, but they have not ruled out 2036. It has an estimated impact-probability of one in 5,560, which is slightly more dangerous than 2006 HZ51. But not much.


Interesting to note that both asteroids appear to be on a possible collision course with our planet in the same year, 2036. That is just 30 years away.


This month, the comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 is doing a close fly-by our planet as it passes through our solar system. Astronomers say the comet fell apart when it passed us in 1995 so will be returning in three parts. And because it will be as close as six million miles, they say the comet will be a colorful sight in the night sky.


But the doomsday soothsayers are warning that parts of this comet are expected to strike Earth this month, causing terrible destruction. Their warnings, however, have been mostly pooh-poohed by people who say they know better.


So what would happen if one of those big rocks actually hits the earth?


NASA estimates the energy of the biggest asteroid, Apophis, at 850 megatons, which would be extremely destructive. The 1883 eruption of Krakatoa, one of the most violent volcanic blasts in known history, was roughly 200 megatons. And that was enough to blow ash into the stratosphere and affect global weather patterns for about a year.


But scientists say an asteroid’s impact could vary, depending on the angle that it comes in at, and while it could do a lot of damage where ever it strikes, it is unlikely to have long lasting global effects, as depicted in recent Hollywood films.


So why has there been so much concern about asteroid and comet strikes in recent years?


Psychic Aaron C. Donahue says there is a growing awareness, at least on a subconscious level, that the Earth is dying and that the human race is now rushing toward extinction. It is known subconsciously, although few people are willing to speak about it on a conscious level.


The way he explains it, everybody senses that something is coming, but they haven’t identified just what it is. The Christians perceive of this event as the Second Coming of Christ and the rapture of the saints. Others are having visions of the world in flames. And armies of the world are gearing up for a global war.


The problem has been the reckless overpopulation of our planet, and the industrialization of the major nations. It has involved the careless ravaging of the world’s natural resources, and our foolish dumping of toxic chemicals and human waste in open streams and lakes. We have polluted our soil, our water and our air.


Now our planet is dying and there is very little that can be done about that.


This is what the masses are sensing. But they are still refusing to identify the problem. They would rather blame an asteroid for what is about to happen instead of ourselves.