Aaron's Formula Will Break
Barriers Of Time
Nearly everyone seems to have missed it, even though the "special information" promoted on Aaron
C. Donahue's web site was posted right on schedule, on Friday the 13th of December.
I think the promise that the information will allow people to see future lottery numbers threw them
off. They were probably expecting instructions on how to get rich overnight. Or possibly there would be the promotion of a
book or video to buy. I received a few e-mails from observers who seemed disappointed that Aaron's site did not have the information
they were waiting for.
I also missed it at first.
But once Aaron explained it, I realized that his secret formula was staring us right in the face,
in giant glaring type, every time we open his site. In fact, it is the first thing we see when we go to http//ummo.cc.
It seems too simple because that is exactly what it is. At least at first glance. Visitors will
see an X over pi, within parenthesis, followed by a plus sign and the numbers 666.
As you look at the formula for a while, you begin to realize that it seems incomplete. It isn't
exactly an algebra problem because there is no equal sign. You can't get a number for the X by backward arithmetic. So what
does it mean?
Aaron says the formula is "a time machine for the human brain. It is simple. And yet humans will
be able to use it to see future events and even see future numbers."
Aaron says the formula posted on his site isn't complete. He has the rest of it locked in his head.
But what he has revealed is enough to change human thought forever. It is a key to unlocking the puzzle of time itself and
releasing all mankind from the numbing effects of organized religious slavery.
All it took was for 100 people to look at the formula, and send it into the human collective consciousness.
Once planted, the formula will be locked in the subconscious mind of everyone, and it will start doing its work. Aaron's site
draws thousands of visitors daily, so you know that it was sent into the collective within hours, if not minutes after it
was posted.
Aaron said the formula was given to him in an early remote viewing session, when he was in training
under Major Edward Dames in 1997.
Dames gave Aaron an unusual 'target" to examine. It was a strange set of letters and numbers from
Aleister Crowley's Liber CCXX, or Book of the Law. The verse reads, in part: "4 6 3 8 A B K 2 4 A L G M O R 3 Y X 24 89 R
P S T O V A L. What meaneth this, o prophet? Thou knowest not; nor shalt thou know ever. There cometh one to follow thee:
he shall expound it."
Dames selected ALGMOR3YX and asked Aaron to remote view that portion of the sequence. "It was just
another blind target," Aaron recalls. "But when I examined it, a red cloaked being came to me and gave me the formula."
Donahue said he spent the next five years studying the formula, experimenting with the effects of
pi in remote viewing numbers, and unlocking its secrets. Aaron now can use the formula to see future events with a shocking
clarity. He also can see past events and current truths. Since he has chosen an obscure
life style, and elected to separate himself from society, only a few people realize the truth about his remarkable ability.
This will be changing soon, however.
Aaron identifies the red cloaked being as Yeh-lu Chu'tsai, a great magician and spiritual advisor
to Chingis Khan, the great 13th Century emperor of Mongolia. This gifted magician helped Khan rise to power and open an era
of human enlightenment that has never been matched. Yeh-lu Chu'tsai also was a time traveler, who appears to psychics like
Aaron in a red glow. This is why the Hopi and other aboriginal tribal people refer to him as Huktuktu, or The Red Cloaked
While Donahue often spoke of Yeh-lu Chu'tsai as the red cloaked being that comes to him in the astral,
until now he never spoke of the formula. "I knew this formula would be perceived as blasphemy to the world but for a long
time I didn't know why."
In his studies of time and numbers, and experimenting with the formula, Donahue said he made a startling
discovery. Humans have been blocked from expanding their mental abilities and seeing future and past events by clocks and
calendars. These devices were creations of the church, and cleverly designed to confuse the human brain.
For instance, Donahue said a French scientist experimenting with the effects of a living in a dark
cave, separated from contact with the outside world, discovered in 1995 that our natural circadian rhythm is 25 hours, and
not 24.
The people of the world have been living in a programmed world, where time is controlled.
But his formula will allow humans to break these bonds. "It will allow everyone to see where they
are in space and time," he said.